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  1. Type1andproud

    Help I need a Virtual Slap!

    I also fell off the wagon bad this Christmas. This week is me getting back on track. I find if I refuse myself chocolate it helps a lot! Once I get over my chocolate addiction I find it easy to avoid most other sweet treats. My issue comes after 9pm when I feel like binge eating! Need to get...
  2. Type1andproud

    hey everyone :3

    Also keen to get involved in a blog and see myself as a bit of a well educated 28 year old diabetic. Perhaps I can help get it off the ground?
  3. Type1andproud

    hey everyone :3

  4. Type1andproud

    Thinning hair

    I believe this is to do with diabetes control. I used to be a bad diabetic. Ate a lot and injected a lot. Hbac wasn't ridiculously bad (9) but I was eating rubbish food such as bread and cakes. Anyway to cut a long story short a good diet and getting my diabetes under control really changed the...
  5. Type1andproud

    Approved Diabetes Products

    Hi. Keen to talk more on this