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  1. markgiddings

    Type 2 Severe leg cramps

    Hi Zee ……. Regret not an expert on those conditions …….. but what I WILL say is to keep up the exercise …….. it’s not just good for heart & lungs but moves your precious Lymph fluid around the body ( & reportable you have more lymph fluid than blood !!!) it does an essential job of filtering out...
  2. markgiddings

    Type 2 Severe leg cramps

    I have adapted to using a 750 refillable bottle to ensure I have over 2L min a day of water alone. & because I “ Had” Terminal Prostate Cancer I had a reverse osmosis water filter installed !!!!! Interesting to hear D people have susceptibility to cramping too ……..& good to remind us about...
  3. markgiddings

    Type 2 Severe leg cramps

    Hi Jo ….. Top man ……. That’s a new one on me !!! I’ll follow this one up. Many thx for your input cheers. Mark
  4. markgiddings

    Type 2 Severe leg cramps

    No ……. I have deliberately chosen to avoid these, despite rec’d by the doc. There are some bad vibes about the proliferation of these !!!
  5. markgiddings

    Type 2 Severe leg cramps

    Thx Elena ….. 2 mins on this forum has already given me more Hope & actions to try than a year with the routine checks !! I’ll order up some of the Mag tabs & Oil.
  6. markgiddings

    Type 2 Severe leg cramps

    Interesting ……. I hadn’t thought of taking extra readings whilst having the ‘super-excruciating’ ones - thank you . That will be an interesting record
  7. markgiddings

    Type 2 Severe leg cramps

    tried that ……. For 5 days in a row drank 2 litres a day …….. but thank you for your thought
  8. markgiddings

    Type 2 Severe leg cramps

    Thx Filly for super fast reply !! Lower spine a bit crook from 40 yrs windsurfing !!! But forgot to mention Varicose veins which some say should be removed. I’ll check out a Chiro. Thank you
  9. markgiddings

    Type 2 Severe leg cramps

    Good morning all. I’m a highly active, normal weight 66 yo, who was diagnosed with T2 a year ago - much to my surprise !!! My levels were consistently high (28 - 30 ) upon diagnosis, so Metformin & 20/20 ml Insulin is used Daily My main concern is the constant state of leg, foot & hand cramps...