
  1. annabell1

    what should BSL be before bed it is nearly 1:00am and checked my sugar it is 4.3 mg

    Hello was wondering what should my BSL be before I go to bed it is nearly 1:00am and checked my sugar it is 4.3 mg I am not hungry but was wondering if this is ok or should I eat something?
  2. ThePenguinPimp

    Having trouble drop off to sleep?

    Well according to google.. "The fact that blinking eyes rapidly for 1 or 2 minutes helps falling asleep faster is due to the basic muscle nature. ... Same things happens with blinking eye rapidly. When you blink eyes, the muscles accompanying blinking get tired. So with your muscles exhausted...
  3. ChrisEG1981

    Quick bedtime question?

    Is a blood sugar level of 4.6 considered too low to go to bed with?