climate change

  1. Mbaker

    Reduce Meat - Facts matter over dogma

    It does not matter if I am listening to pundits on Sky, LBC or the presenters on the BBC, each time climate change is discussed "eat less meat is said". This has been repeated by politicians, influential family members of politicians and even royalty. There is a term is called "repetitive...
  2. Mbaker

    UK Climate Report - Reduce Meat and Dairy 20-40% Clever. Keep chipping away and making sure animal produce is the problem. The first bullet point is just code for plant based farming, and the second point makes clear what needs to go. By using big numbers like 20 to 40% the...
  3. Mbaker

    They Are Trying To Make Me Sick or Worse

    If you have read many of my posts you may have noticed that I have been hinting at action against the powers that be trying to take away our rights to meat. If I understood what was said on the main ITV news this evening, the Government intend on getting into law NEXT YEAR the commitment to net...