
  1. S

    Really struggling with food ideas

    Hi All, So I've been diagnosed with fasting levels of 21 and a hba1 (whatever it is) of 128. Been told to limit carbs to 100g a day and obs cut all sugar. I have no gall bladder so need a low fat diet and I can't digest protein well - gives me severe digestive discomfort. I don't know what...
  2. W

    Please help

    Hello,I set up this account for my hubby becouse his English is not that good.He has some skin problems and I told him to do blood test for sugars. His result was 12.6mmol. We were shocked!He workes night shift for 8 years we must miss like a few years of symptoms becouse of work:(We both dont...
  3. P

    Lunchbox ideas!

    Anybody have any low carb lunchbox suggestions, I find myself eating the same meals at work each shift and hoped people might be able to provide some inspiration.
  4. Ratty_Kat

    Snack Cravings - Add to the list!...

    Snack Cravings - The majority of us get them and can be hard to ignore for some of us! I thought I'd start a thread detailing what I do/eat when these pesky cravings crop up. Hopefully we can build a list of tips to help others that need a bit of inspiration or are bored of their current...
  5. R.Barley92

    Time For a Startup?

    Hi Guys, So after trying to work out whether my husband and I can afford to fund a CGM for him, a desperate search to see if there is anywhere we could get help with funding it, any charities to apply for or anything at all I have got really utterly P**S*D off with the lack of support!!! Short...
  6. Administrator

    What have you eaten today? (Low carb forum)

    Share what you've eaten today with the rest of the DCUK community and maybe steal a few ideas for yourself! Please remember that this is the 'Low Carb Diet Forum' and that this thread isn't for low carb debates :)