Dr Eric Westman starts with 20 grams of carbs, which he refers to as prescription level amounts. Dr Westman is one of the original authorities on low carb medicine, he formally studied the Atkins diet over 20 years ago, having seen 2 patients reverse Type 2, he is published and actively treats Type 2 and obesity. In short I would suggest with numbers that are similar to what I started with, it might be wise to use the optimal lower amount of carbs to aim for.
This condition will destroy you from the inside out with no time delay or negotiation, sorry to be stark, but those numbers require focusing on with urgency in my view and experience, which suggests potentially making choices that suit your eyes, liver, pancreas, heart, kidneys rather than convenience. I am being straight forward, as I could have been on the road to recovery months earlier with advice that aligned with my diagnosed numbers.
Dr Ted Naiman suggests increasing protein slowly to allow the body to learn how to accept higher amounts. The research I have done also corroborates above posts about there being no issue with low carb / keto with no gall bladder, it is just again prudent to start slow or of that does not work digestive enzymes. The high fat part of low carb / keto does not necessarily mean lots of butter and cream, it can just mean because the carbs are gone / lowered, the proportion of natural fats on the plate is higher., e.g Steak, eggs greens or salad or Salmon, Burgers / Sausages, Green Beans and Tomato. These would be high fat (as well as protein rich and low carb).
In order to eat the foods that can help potentially put you into remission, it might be necessary to review your feelings on cholesterol. Some high level facts:
- The current guidelines on cholesterol are built on a hypothesis, The Diet Heart Hypothesis. This means it is not fact, but an assumed best fit position
- When datasets are reviewed, such as the huge Nhanes data collated in the States, just as many people die of heart disease who have so called normal or low cholesterol than do with high cholesterol
- Many people with high cholesterol who take a Coronary Artery Calcium scan have no sign of heart disease (example Dr's are Sean Baker and Paul Saladino). These scans are multiple more times more accurate than guesses made under the guidelines.
Here are some of my meals over the last few weeks(Turkey, mushrooms, curries, coconut pancakes / waffles, protein bread, ribs, kippers, bacon, chicken, burgers, egg, 100% melted dark chocolate with roasted nuts, salmon, sardines
Good luck.