young t1

  1. elliegladman

    19, looking for friends! <3

    Hi, I'm El. I'm 19 and I'm quite lonely in the area of diabetic friends! I've only ever had one diabetic friend and it's when I was younger and wanted nothing to do with my illness. I'm willing to give people my social media if you're interested in becoming friends (: I'm a photographer, my...
  2. K

    New comer! 17 years T1..

    Hi all! I’ve been trying my best to find diabetic forums that are Australia based, but this appears to be the only one! So I’d like to introduce myself.. I’ve been a T1 diabetic as of a young age, now going on 17 years with diabetes! I was diagnosed several months after I was severely ill. I...
  3. lovinglife

    Sweet 16 film by a youngster with T1 - may be helpful

    This popped up on my Facebook page - it isn't free but looks like it could be very helpful for young ones struggling You can register and get the first 10 minutes free - don't know what it costs, made by teens for teens