2016 Feb 29th. don't forget ladies...................


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2016 Feb 29th. don't forget ladies...................It's Leap Year and tradition has it.............................

Women propose to their men
According to an old Irish legend, or possibly history, St Brigid struck a deal with St Patrick to allow women to propose to men – and not just the other way around – every four years. This is believed to have been introduced to balance the traditional roles of men and women in a similar way to how Leap Day balances the calendar.

Just thought I'd give you plenty of notice:happy::happy::happy:
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jay hay-char

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This actually happened to me :eek:

I received a telegram at work (it was a few years ago) on 29th February from my girlfriend, saying "Will you marry me"? I'm just a romantic at heart, so I rang her back and said "How much did that cost"? :) We were already joint owners of a house and two cats, so I decided that I was probably trapped, and agreed. Also, in those days you got an additional married man's tax allowance: how could I resist?

Amazingly, we're still married. Mrs Hay-Char is of Irish origin, born in Derry, and as well as conforming to this convention, she's also very superstitious - if you put any shoes on the table you're in deep sh...., and I sometimes think she should create an app that says "Good Morning Mr Magpie, and how's your family"? - it would save her vocal chords a lot of wear and tear, and might make our fortunes for us. :D
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This actually happened to me :eek:

I received a telegram at work (it was a few years ago) on 29th February from my girlfriend, saying "Will you marry me"? I'm just a romantic at heart, so I rang her back and said "How much did that cost"? :) We were already joint owners of a house and two cats, so I decided that I was probably trapped, and agreed. Also, in those days you got an additional married man's tax allowance: how could I resist?

Amazingly, we're still married. Mrs Hay-Char is of Irish origin, born in Derry, and as well as conforming to this convention, she's also very superstitious - if you put any shoes on the table you're in deep sh...., and I sometimes think she should create an app that says "Good Morning Mr Magpie, and how's your family"? - it would save her vocal chords a lot of wear and tear, and might make our fortunes for us. :D
:hilarious::hilarious::hilarious: I liked that, thanks

chris lowe

**** that means I have to buy my son a birthday present. Well I did try and convince him when he was younger that he would only get pressies every 4 years but it didn't work :facepalm: I understand the custom is that if you are asked and don't say yes then you must buy the lady a pair of leather gloves. (Look I don't make up these old wives tales, :hilarious:)
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How romantic to actually hear of a real live leap day proposal!

But ladies who wish to propose on a leap day will sometimes have to wait eight years not four between opportunities, as leap years don't occur every turn of century, only those where the date is divisible by 400, to allow for further fine adjustments in the calendar. So the year 2000 was a "century" leap year, while 1900 wasn't.

In the good old days of the internet, there was also a much less known leap year tradition known as "Internet Cleaning Day" when the whole internet was shut down for a period to allow for an uninterrupted clean up process, which eliminated dead email, and inactive ftp, dead web sites & links, etc, thus allowing for a better-working and much faster net. However, in the late 90s when the web was taken over from the high techies by the general hoi-poloi who considered this to be an April Fools day hoax, and the original purpose and 4 yearly clean up has since been abandoned...
(Posted with tongue in cheek...:p)

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My mum proposed to my dad in a leap year, they got married on my dads 48hr pass during his national service just before he was sent to Malaysia for 1 year, they weren't speaking on their wedding day as my dad's mates got him drunk they night before and he was quite ill on the day lol she was furious with him!

My mum passed away at the end of October, they would have been celebrating 55 years of marriage this May - how I wish for my dad that they could have made that landmark , they were inseparable :(
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My wife proposed to me on Feb 29th 1992, and we got married 4 years later on Feb 29th 1996 :)
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**** that means I have to buy my son a birthday present. Well I did try and convince him when he was younger that he would only get pressies every 4 years but it didn't work :facepalm: I understand the custom is that if you are asked and don't say yes then you must buy the lady a pair of leather gloves. (Look I don't make up these old wives tales, :hilarious:)
With todays rate of inflation it's probably a bag and shoes as well.:facepalm::(


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My mum proposed to my dad in a leap year, they got married on my dads 48hr pass during his national service just before he was sent to Malaysia for 1 year, they weren't speaking on their wedding day as my dad's mates got him drunk they night before and he was quite ill on the day lol she was furious with him!

My mum passed away at the end of October, they would have been celebrating 55 years of marriage this May - how I wish for my dad that they could have made that landmark , they were inseparable :(
What a lovely story. Thanks
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chris lowe

With todays rate of inflation it's probably a bag and shoes as well.:facepalm::(
I can't afford the shoes he likes! He's got rather expensive tastes when it comes to clothes. Don't know where he gets that gene from - not me or his dad. I've got him an annual pass for various theme parks like Alton Towers, Thorpe Park, Chessington etc and one for his girlfried as it's her birthday next week. Got them a bit cheaper in their January Sale. If I start saving now I might be able to afford a pair of Loakes next year.
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