Am I irresponsible?


Hi! I've not been diagnosed with GD but I have been glucose monitoring since 12weeks pregnant as my BMI is over 40.

The last month I've had an average of 3 high readings a week caused by my inability to curb my sweet tooth. I'm 35 weeks pregnant now & the diabetic clinic started me on metformin a week ago which gave me horrible lows, feelings of anxiety & exhaustion. I've decided to get off it but now the diabetic team at the hospital are offering me insulin injections instead.

I just can't understand why I need to be taking any medications? I can appreciate I try my luck with an odd sweet treat here & there & it gives me readings of around 8.4. I will obviously cut out these treats until baby's here as there's only 4 weeks to go. My question is why am I still being offered medication? It's frustrating me that there's no clear diagnosis. Help


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
We can't advise on medication - if you have questions they should be put to your medical team.
At this time, however your baby will be gaining weight rapidly in preparation for emergence into the world - do consider that you need to be well supplied with proteins and fats for this growth spurt, and if you intend to breast feed you don't want to have poor quality milk.


Well-Known Member
I would suggest get your HBA1C test to get the clear picture if you are diabetic or not. I had gestational diabetes and later now I am T2. As they cannot give high dose of diabetes medicine In pregnancy they will put you on insulin. There are chances if your sugar is high baby will become big and delivery will be difficult but in my case baby was small due to my diabetes. So I was given lot of protein diet to make baby gain healthy weight .. I had a Normal delivery and baby was perfectly fine. And he is healthy baby now . But I was on insulin my entire pregnancy.