

Well-Known Member
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Type 1
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Tablets (oral)
Feeling really annoyed right now.
Haven't been eating well lately and noticing myself losing weight too. Had pizza last night which I know is terrible. Ended up having a terrible night sleep. Peeing 5 times through the night.
Today I ate well, low carb, no snacks. Just tested 2 hours after dinner and I'm 17. Last time I had that reading was on diagnosis. Been taking 1 Metformin twice a day.
Am out for a walk now and it's freezing! The walk is to calm me down but hopefully to reduce some BS.
Been stressed a fair bit lately too...trying to buy a house and work been a bit unsettling.
Does all this sound normal?
Maybe I'm just ranting.
Need to get back on the straight and narrow.


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Feeling really annoyed right now.
Haven't been eating well lately and noticing myself losing weight too. Had pizza last night which I know is terrible. Ended up having a terrible night sleep. Peeing 5 times through the night.
Today I ate well, low carb, no snacks. Just tested 2 hours after dinner and I'm 17. Last time I had that reading was on diagnosis. Been taking 1 Metformin twice a day.
Am out for a walk now and it's freezing! The walk is to calm me down but hopefully to reduce some BS.
Been stressed a fair bit lately too...trying to buy a house and work been a bit unsettling.
Does all this sound normal?
Maybe I'm just ranting.
Need to get back on the straight and narrow.


If you haven't been eating too well for a while, it's likely to take your body longer than one "good" day to snap back into good ranges.

Stress can affect our blood numbers, so there may be a bit of that in there, but as you probably realise, for we T2s, the majority of our control is influenced by what we eat and drink.

Hopefully, another day or couple of days will see something a bit better for you.

Back on the horse!
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
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Tablets (oral)
Thanks! Just done a quick walk and a small bit of weights at home and already down to 12.

Back on the horse is right!
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Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Absolutely normal reaction - if you ate ordinary bread based pizza then the rise in blood glucose is often going to be apparent for many hours if that is how your body reacts to it and have a knock on effect for days - I got the same sort of response for all high carb foods, right down to legumes.
There are pizza like alternatives which people have created in order to satisfy the habit.
I had to eat low carb for decades trying to keep my weight under control, so I am a stranger to many foods which a lot of people take for granted - but the recipes are out there, if you look.
If you use them you can eat dinner, chill out afterwards, then next morning wake up smug after an undisturbed night's sleep, and find your blood glucose normal.
Stress can raise your blood glucose, but trying to be a bit more philosophical about life is a big help, not just with diabetes. I find that chunks of roast meat are an excellent basis for a good dinner and pleasant evening to follow. Even better are dinners followed by playing music - I just came back from band practice and am feeling really good. Blood glucose is 6.8 mmol/l - no tablets.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Poor grammar, bullying and drunks.
Although I had a really good day with regard to carbs my numbers have seen a rise because I am anxious about a hospital appointment tomorrow. High emotion directly affects our readings and I have found that sometimes it can affect our resolve when it comes to to eating the stuff we know may not be the wisest choice. This in turn can certainly feed into the stress so it can become a vicious circle. So, yes, back on the waggon and start from scratch. Hope your period of stress passes and that you can quickly return to a state of equilibrium. Good luck.


Retired Moderator
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Type 1
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The smell of cigars
Good luck with the house.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Thanks for the replies. This morning am now down to 9.2. Nearly there!
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Well-Known Member
I'm into 2nd week testing out the FS Libre system - I have a similar response to you although not as pronounced. I had a slice of pizza the other night (on purpose), it both spiked my BS quite high for me and trouble my levels stayed high for much longer than I liked.


Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Diet only
Well, that'll teach you a lesson!:)
The bonus is that you recognize a slip and want to avoid others.
Buying a house is a BIG stress, hope it gets sorted soon
Keep going, good luck.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Aaarrrgggghhhh! House buying and/or moving... VERY stressful.

All I can say is that I am glad that the last time I moved was before I had access to blood glucose testing equipment - because the readings would not have been pretty. Combo of stress, irregular meals, weird amounts of physical exercise (packing and hauling stuff), work all day, prep for the move or unpack all evening, and then the hassle of preparing food in the old and then the new partially packed kitchens...

Hopefully I will be staying in this house for a looooong time :D


Well-Known Member
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Tablets (oral)
Current American Presidents.
Chalk it down to experience @dazzeur . The main thing is that you recognised what happened and are taking active steps (!) to rectify it. You're already back on the right path!