Annual Review


Type of diabetes
Hi I have been diagnosed as a MODY 34 years ago. Back in the 80s and 90s I would be seen twice a year by a Dr or consultant. Gradually this changes to twice a year checks by diabetic nurse and G.P. and no hospital visit. The last few years I have been offered a check with diabetic nurse once a year and a blood test only mid year. I understand standards are falling due to the lack of money but could not believe the care that I have been offered this year. An annual check up with a health care assistant who will give me a form for blood test. When the results for this are in the diabetic nurse will phone me with results. I feel this will give me little chance to ask questions like am I still on best medication now available, ask advice about level of carbs etc. Has anybody else had their standard of care reduced to this level? Any advise? I feel like they would be happy if I brought a B.p. machine and just phoned in with by readings and weight and they would not have to bother seeing us at all.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Yes they are having to save money but why can you not ask all your questions during the Diabetic Nurse phone call? Write them down before the call so you don’t forget anything. I have had some very productive telephone appts with my GP. Saves waiting in the waiting room with all the bugs being coughed and sneezed at you! ;)
Oh and PS, I have taken BP readings at home and emailed them in, the readings were more accurate in my view as the “white coat syndrome” was eliminated from the equation.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
I would be seen twice a year

Been on annual review with nursie for so long I can't remember. As for advice, I would come here first, see what people say and after careful consideration try things. I know we don't give advise, just experiences, useful all the same.