Any Type 3C people out there?


Type of diabetes
Family member
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Hi Guys,

I'm a T3c too. I was T2 for 25 years before my pancreas just have up. It took a strangely long time to get into the Diabetic clinic. I've had a Libre 2 since last October and had to do my own research and pay a Consultant to help me sort my insulin out.

I've just finished a DAFNE course and I'm a lot more confident with carb counting and diabetic control. I also have to take creon with meals and snacks as my pancreas had stopped producing the fat digesting enzymes and produces almost no insulin.

I found out that of all diabetics about 90pc are T2, 8pc T1 and the last 2pc are T3 a, b or c.
Hello there I hope you are well. I was interested in your post as my husband has recently lost a lot of weight/muscle and has an ‘off the scale’ HB1ac ie 149. 23 years on Metformin so wondering if this is his situation. Best wishes

Gray Wolf

Type of diabetes
Type 3c
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
OK Question
What is the designations T3 a / b and c understand they're related to Pancreatitis but need more info


As I understand it, the T3 label potentially covers a broad range of conditions:

(i) Type 3 has been applied to a condition where chronic insulin resistance and certain changes in brain chemistry have been noted in some patients that also have Alzheimer’s;

(ii) Type 3a relates to patients who show genetic dysfunction of pancreatic beta cells affecting or preventing production of insulin;

(iii) Type 3b relates to patients with a form of pancreatitis or another condition that has damaged or prevents production of digestive enzymes (so, not insulin production);

(iv) Type 3c relates to patients with a form of pancreatitis or another condition that has damaged or prevents both digestive enzyme production and Insulin production.

I am not a medical professional, but I do have T3c diabetes resulting from a gallstone impacted in my bile duct. All of the above info is based on my own research, so I’m happy to be corrected by anyone more knowledgeable than me. I hope this helps.

Gray Wolf

Type of diabetes
Type 3c
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Thanks that's more than I found and certainly way more than my GP practice knows, now my old GP has retired.
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Type of diabetes
Type 3c
Treatment type
Yes I have type 3C diabetes too, I was diagnosed on the 8th of October so this month. I spent a week in hospital on a IV insulin pump to bring down my blood sugar and ketones.
Mine was caused by acute pancreatitis, I have had it 7 times due to my alcoholism and am only 34. I am now sober and am not even thinking about alcohol as I know I have damaged my body severely and it can not take much more.

I didn't even know that type 3C diabetes existed until I was diagnosed and am now taking insulin 4 times a day to try and control my diabetes.