Article in Thursday,s Daily Mail


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
ElkBond said:
Absolutely haha! But to your point, I think if your pancreas is overworked/ stressed as a T2 there comes a point where is fails and you are an insulin dependent T2 (or ABS ;) )
Maybe you were type2 in the womb but with stress of birth you became type1 as your beta cells had enough? Ever thought of that? Stress causes autoimmune problems. I'm witness to that!
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Maybe you were type2 in the womb but with stress of birth you became type1 as your beta cells had enough? Ever thought of that? Stress causes autoimmune problems. I'm witness to that!

Thats not how it works.... type 2 is kinda the opposite of type 1 but with the same outcome (the high BG). Even if I was born type 2 (lets go with this for a mo) then the type 1 would be separate so I would be on insulin, and a lot of it. As my basal rate is about 5 units a day and my carb sensitivity hovers on 1:10 or 1:20 then I can't see much insulin resistance.

Also I was 25 when diagnosed with T1. Many years insulin free with normal dr check ups.


Well-Known Member
Gosh that has got me annoyed, what an ignorant stupid man.
When diagnosed as pre diabetic I was running 5k 3 times a week with a normal bmi.
I slimmed down to a BMI of 19, and ran was still pre diabetic, in fact my bg went up after exercise.
What is he proposing a ****ing marathon every day?
This has really annoyed me.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Thats not how it works.... type 2 is kinda the opposite of type 1 but with the same outcome (the high BG). Even if I was born type 2 (lets go with this for a mo) then the type 1 would be separate so I would be on insulin, and a lot of it. As my basal rate is about 5 units a day and my carb sensitivity hovers on 1:10 or 1:20 then I can't see much insulin resistance.

Also I was 25 when diagnosed with T1. Many years insulin free with normal dr check ups.
Type2 isn't just insulin resistance, although it plays a huge part for people like me (obese). Slim type2s only have low levels of resistance. Fat cells cause insulin resistance not type2. One of the conditions of type2 is resistance. The liver, other organs and muscles convert carbs, protein and fat out of sync also and type2s have no first response insulin.
Not all type2s process nutrients the same way, nor at the same time. Hormones affect my type2 greatly. Everyone has different complications, starting with metabolism then more if it progresses. Like type1s.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
It really frustrates me when people's ignorance of type 2 leads them to think that obesity is a cause. That is nonsense.

Type 2 can be caused by steroids, statins, a number of other meds, genetic and environmental factors. And for those with obesity as a contributing factor, the insulin resistance came first. Often decades before the weight gain. In my case I was having hypers, hypos and insulin resistance at least 10 years before the weight started piling on. Since no one bothers to test for insulin resistance (except Kraft) even doctors have lacked this understanding.

So yeah, fat causes insulin resistance and is a contributing factor to the progression of T2. But it is a symptom not the cause. The root cause is whatever began the vicious cycle of insulin resistance. And since the majority of fat people don't have T2, that cause ain't the fat.

Next time you see a fat person, try and think 'there goes someone with insulin resistance'. Instead of thinking 'there goes someone too lazy to walk to the chip shop'.

I find it tragic that this discussion occurs amongst diabetics. And I find it heartbreaking that diabetics play the blame game with each other.
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Well-Known Member
@Brunneria yes obviously if fat is a cause them all fat people would be diabetic.
I know loads of people who are a little heavier than me who don't exercise and aren't diabetic.
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Active Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
I think that there is cause and there is managing.

In terms of cause it might be tempting to label type 1s as innocent and type 2s as to blame for their illness - but actually this does not stand up to much scrutiny and could equally be applied to heart disease or cancer which in some cases may have been caused by lifestyle (and again it wouldn't stand up to much scrutiny for these diseases).

then there is managing the illness - I have met and spoken to people who definitely are not changing their diet as much as I or most people on these forums and their healthy is affected by this behaviour - however it is not for me to judge them as I don't live their lives. And this applies to types 1s as well in some ways it can be more so because they can eat sweets and dose themselves with insulin (23 year old work colleague) - but again any of these judgements of people managing diabetes could equally be applied to people who have other conditions and don't give up smoking or drinking despite their health being affected.

So I see no need to change the name of diabetes - rather change the negative view and support people to manage whichever type they have as best they are able in the context of whatever other challenges they have.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
There are also the odd few who barely exercise but return to normal glucose going carbs lite and embracing fats and fasting.
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Active Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
by the way I have always been active and drank moderately and never smoked and eaten well and been of normal weight - except gaining about 2.5 stone in a few years which I then lost when my diabetes was at its worst just before I was diagnosed. Because of the negative perception - one of my emotions on diagnosis was why me I have lived a healthier lifestyle than most


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I am a PWD, which means I am diabetic. I have less problem with what caused it - thar is history and irrelevant to my condition today. Rather than blaming lifestyle for 'causing' it, most of us will need to change our lifestyle anyway,

I despair at the resistance put up by the powers that be that diet cannot improve our lot (as pontificated by PHE recently) Rather than banging on about causes, the media should instead help us deal with it. There is a need for more support for initiatives like LCHF, Newcastle Diet, Fasting diets, et al. I am fed up with people in media saying glibly to exercise more, without demonstrating how much is needed to work off a doughnut, say. (Apologise if my language offends anyone, but duffnuts used to be a staple of office life). Doing a crossword puzzle uses up more glucose than a walk round the block, The walk is just to keep our muscles working, and is an inefficient tool for bgl control (IMHO)

To end the suspense, the following will answer the question I asked above*
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Thats not how it works.... type 2 is kinda the opposite of type 1 but with the same outcome (the high BG). Even if I was born type 2 (lets go with this for a mo) then the type 1 would be separate so I would be on insulin, and a lot of it. As my basal rate is about 5 units a day and my carb sensitivity hovers on 1:10 or 1:20 then I can't see much insulin resistance.

Also I was 25 when diagnosed with T1. Many years insulin free with normal dr check ups.
Not if your mothers nutrients from the cord caused 'remission'. Science is only half way there to finding what's really going on!
The stress of birth can cause horrific changes not just good ones.
I personally cannot right off any scientific proof, as long as it helped stop others becoming insulin resistant and more.
I am not willing to write anything off because my future family may depend on it!
My type1 friend was fine until she feel off a swing, the shock caused her type1 disease.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Not if your mothers nutrients from the cord caused 'remission'. Science is only half way there to finding what's really going on!

So until then you will make up your own science! Perfect..


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
I am a PWD, which means I am diabetic. I have less problem with what caused it - thar is history and irrelevant to my condition today. Rather than blaming lifestyle for 'causing' it, most of us will need to change our lifestyle anyway,

I despair at the resistance put up by the powers that be that diet cannot improve our lot (as pontificated by PHE recently) Rather than banging on about causes, the media should instead help us deal with it. There is a need for more support for initiatives like LCHF, Newcastle Diet, Fasting diets, et al. I am fed up with people in media saying glibly to exercise more, without demonstrating how much is needed to work off a doughnut, say. (Apologise if my language offends anyone, but duffnuts used to be a staple of office life). Doing a crossword puzzle uses up more glucose than a walk round the block, The walk is just to keep our muscles working, and is an inefficient tool for bgl control (IMHO)

To end the suspense, the following will answer the question I asked above*

Funny enough, poor old Steve Write (radio 2?) DJ was inteveiwing Mary Berry (as a guest.) some time late back last year..?
Steve Write is T2 I believe & has been talking about LC on his show occasionally. One time my ears pricked up when he mentioned cauliflower rice?? To be fair, Steve is trying to put it "out there" within the constraints of his formatted afternoon show sort of documenting his battle to control his carb intake....
So the subject comes up with Mary B. With regards to cooking. Guess what? She knocked back what SW does as a "fad diet." :banghead:


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Funny enough, poor old Steve Write (radio 2?) DJ was inteveiwing Mary Berry (as a guest.) some time late back last year..?
Steve Write is T2 I believe & has been talking about LC on his show occasionally. One time my ears pricked up when he mentioned cauliflower rice?? To be fair, Steve is trying to put it "out there" within the constraints of his formatted afternoon show sort of documenting his battle to control his carb intake....
So the subject comes up with Mary B. With regards to cooking. Guess what? She knocked back what SW does as a "fad diet." :banghead:
Are you surprised? If gps didn't know what type2 was in 70s she has no chance!


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Are you surprised? If gps didn't know what type2 was in 70s she has no chance!
Not at all.. MB was also on a program called "who do you think you are"? Which explores a minor celebrity's ancestory...
Her great grandfather apparently made a living out of supplying bread to "workhouses." There was also historical complaints that this bread had been "adulterated?" Lol, an "investigation" by the "top brass" running these establishments proved the grievance unfounded.... ;)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Not at all.. MB was also on a program called "who do you think you are"? Which explores a minor celebrity's ancestory...
Her great grandfather apparently made a living out of supplying bread to "workhouses." There was also historical complaints that this bread had been "adulterated?" Lol, an "investigation" by the "top brass" running these establishments proved the grievance unfounded.... ;)
Ah. The sins of our fathers! Ha ha how humiliating!


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I agree with some of what you are saying but there is such a vast increase in Type 2 diabetes because of the lifestyles people now adopt. It sucks when people with type 2 have something actually wrong to cause it but, lets be honest here a lot of it is self inflicted. I totally sympathise with your situation you like myself a Type 1 have something in our bodies which does not function correctly due to no fault of our own, but we cant ignore the other much larger percentage. If i'm honest I don't know why they put you in a category of "type 2" surely this is a totally different thing?
I am in T2 category because that's what I am! I ate the wrong foods because that's what the recommended diet was for many years - low fat, low calorie. That's a bad lifestyle choice! I was active until I suffered from depression and ME, so I was forced to become 'lazy'. I went to my GP for help to lose weight. The diets I was given didn't work. One of them was the GI diet. I put on weight on it and had to give up after 2 weeks because I couldn't afford to put on any more pounds. At that time I had been gaining 7 pounds a year. I gained 8 pounds in just 2 weeks by following the GI diet and the recommended portion sizes.

My husband went to the same GP about a minor illness and was told 'Keep on doing whatever you are doing' So he did. He ate 6 Snickers bars that night 'just because they were there' He is slim and not T2. My diet has always been healthier than his and I exercise just as much as him, sometimes more, yet I am the one criticised for how I look.

T2 is also a condition where our bodies don't function properly.


Because we aren't all the same, it can increase your risk of Type 2!. I know she is Type 2 thats what i'm saying not all Type 2 is the same just like not all Type 1 are the same. I actually know a lot about Type 2 diabetes Im not ignorant to the fact a lot of people cant help it hence why I wasn't saying any of that maybe you should re read what I said. I didn't say there was a direct cause and effect, but for example people who eat a fry up every morning and consume a lot of fat are at a higher risk of a heart attack that doesn't mean all heart attacks are caused by diet. Just like all lung cancer isn't caused by smoking calm down and stop picking a fight. I totally disagree with medias perception of all diabetes and it needs to change, but you cant say weight gain doesn't play a big factor in a lot of peoples chance of developing it.

I have bolded a bit of your reply, as I think it may also be a good idea for you to have a read up on the current thinking about diets, fats, and heart risk.