Was only offered this one pump, as was already using a DIY closed loop system. But due to pump being out of warranty (even though I had a spare) they made me switch pumps.
I’ve been on the Medtronic 780g and G4 sensor for four weeks on Friday and had endless issues with very high bloods, random G4 CGM updates and the CGM failing on me, as well as multiple pump attachment failures. I never had this with my old pump or CGM, and I was wondering the chances of being allowed a new pump or to go back to my old pump.
I’ve never had issues with previous pumps in the past so I don’t know how it works if you hate what you’ve been given.
Thank you
I’ve been on the Medtronic 780g and G4 sensor for four weeks on Friday and had endless issues with very high bloods, random G4 CGM updates and the CGM failing on me, as well as multiple pump attachment failures. I never had this with my old pump or CGM, and I was wondering the chances of being allowed a new pump or to go back to my old pump.
I’ve never had issues with previous pumps in the past so I don’t know how it works if you hate what you’ve been given.
Thank you