Best Blood Glucose Testing Meter?


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Hello people :D

Ive been diabetic for 6 years now and have gone through quite a few different meters, mostly sent to me through promotion or giveaway. The two I am deciding between now are the InsulinX by abbot, basically a touch screen version, and A Glucomen LXplus by menarini which reads BG and Ketones through a blood sample. Am swinging towards the LX because of the ketone test factor and have had a good Visio meter from them before, however, I would like to know if anyone is using a different meter or would recommend any specific one before I decide and get the bits on prescription...Thankyou :thumbup:


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I have seen both of these meters and the lx has a really good clear display and has the keytone test feature. The insulinx has the insulin dosage helper / calculator, but found the display was not as clear as a lot of other meters.

Both are availiable free via their respective web site application forms.

As for me I was looking into changing my very old meter and went for the bayer contour next usb. You can add to this meter the carbs and insulin that you have taken and the software is eay to use.


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Type 1
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I have heard of the Contour USB meter, I may give it a go as I do need easy to use software to record 3 months of results for my LGV licence application to the DVLA. The insulinX is pretty good but theyve overcomplicated the software a bit. I must admit I dont really trust using a machine to work out or predict doses as I feel Im doing that ok myself. Ive seen some meters quite expensive for sale but why would they be priced so high if the companies know there a shed load of decent free meters given away daily?


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A lot of people arn't aware that if you ring a manufacture they will often supply a meter free and just go and buy whats the first or second meter they see, especially if like some GP's they don't issue meters.

I always used to buy my meters as in the early days the manufactures would not supply free ones. With the next usb I just phoned bayer up and said what I would like and if they provided them free and they sent me one by return of post. Some times they don't send you your prefered meter but will send you a alternative one.

Attached is a part of one of the reports that you can get, I use the full software package, which you can download from Bayer and not the slimed down verions supplied on the meter.


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I just got a contour next usb meter l also got a contour link l like my contour link because the results go on the pump by the software for the contour next usb is very good

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Yeh that usb software looks pretty decent, I might enquire about a meter from Bayer like you said.

Carol I use injections but have been looking into if a pump would benefit me, does the information from the software go on the pump and it works out a dosage? Not sure about letting something else decide that see.


garethnpc said:
Yeh that usb software looks pretty decent, I might enquire about a meter from Bayer like you said.

Carol I use injections but have been looking into if a pump would benefit me, does the information from the software go on the pump and it works out a dosage? Not sure about letting something else decide that see.
The contour link go on the pump and you can download the pump with all your blood sugar and insulin by use a carelink usb from metonic.

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I use the aviva expert metre and love it besides just having it replaced after 2 years or there bouts due to a poss electronic fault (being the machines internal power failing), apart from thst its great, shows you your blood sugsr patterns, advices you on your doses, a reminder function for appointment dstes n times, you can see all your injection times and amounts, view a pie chart in different colours to show how your bloods have been, be it good or bad lol. I'd definitely recommend it.

Kelly :)

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Hi kelly, I cant say Ive heard of that one but il look it up thanks :) Did you buy it? I think its good to find one good one that your comfortable with and stick with it


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I got it from my dsn, I was one of her first patients to use it. Was recommend due to my bs' s being all over and it helped for 6/7 months till I got back into work do im trying to find the balance again with being more active than I was lol

Kelly :)

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Yeh i know what you mean, can be hard to find a balance when there are lifestyle changes, the work il be doing more of soon is outdoor physical, and with playing football its difficult sometimes to find consistent results, but it ets easier when your used to it. This is why its good to have a reliable meter :)


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In the years that I have been diabetic, I have done mountains of bg tests. If diabetics are testing their bg levels about 6 - 10 times a day or more, then they wont do bad in getting a Freestyle meter using the Lite teststrips. The teststrip demands very very little in the way of droplet (0.3 but often functions on less. Its as accurate as the Accu chek meters but without the hassle of the battery problems.


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You are probably right there Kelly lol :)

iHs...Thanks for the tip. I have the insulinx and it has been a good meter up until recently when I have compared my results taken at the same time on other meters just to check the accuracy and it has given me higher and more random readings than the others, leading me to query the consistency of it. Abbot have an excellent customer service setup though so I think some user feedback would be good for them. Never had an accu-check before. Its looknig like The glucomen range by menarini is winning the race to the prescription list for me


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I loved the iBGStar, but now use the Contour link as it links automatically to my pump, the iBGStar is a fun meter if you have an iPhone or iPod :)


I have an Accuchek Mobile and a Codefree.

The Codefree seems to be ok and gives readings in a similar parish to the AccuChek that I checked and was calibrated in the centre of the limits.
It doesn't need much blood and the strips are relatively cheap, but it's fairly basic and doesn't have all the 'bells and whistles.

The Accuchek is a better made more sophisticated meter but the tapes are expensive and one seems to need a drop of blood the size of a mint imperial to get it to work.
Mine only gave measurements in a third of the 50 tests I did on the first tape...I kept getting the insufficient blood message.


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I can see the positives with it linking to a pump, still sceptical about changing from insulin pens at the moment though. How does it work with the iphone/ipod then?


Active Member
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I think the best Glucose Meter for anybody is the one that best suits the needs and desires. Do you want a small one? Do you want a computer link? Do you want large memory? Etc etc. I personally like the OneTouch Ultra Easy - it is small and very easy to use. :crazy:


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Whelks,winkles... All crustaceous seafood except prawns. Can't do crab.lobster or scallops.
Don't like the way they are killed and cooked. Save our Scallops. SOS !!!
Also HATE evaporated milk.
I'm newly diagnosed Type 2 and have been reading all these monitor posts with interest.

Do I need a monitor? Apparently I am just over the lower limit and only just Type 2.

I am aware that like when you buy a cheap printer and have to spend a fortune on the inks that nothing is free and if you get a free monitor you may have to buy the specific strips which I have been told today is true. You do have to buy the specific strips to whatever monitor you get free.

I am still a bit confused !!

I have my first visit with my diabetic nurse a week this Wednesday and am trying to find out as much as possible as I also have Emphasyma,a weight problem and I drink. So I am hoping that if I follow all the guidelines of the food I should eat I will lose weight,help my BG levels and find breathing whilst exercising a bit easier.

I am SO glad I found this forum.