Beta cell preservation??


Well-Known Member
Hi all,

As already mentioned, I discussed going on to insulin with my consultant who said that my levels were too low to introduce it. When he said this I questioned him about the claim that early introduction to insulin helps preserve beta cells and he told me that there was no research or evidence to prove this is the case and so why should we introduce something I don't need right now?

He then told me I had to just go home and wait to deteriorate and I'm fed up. My levels have crept up because I just can't be bothered to stick to my low GI diet as strictly as I used to because I just keep thinking what the hells the point!

There's no evidence of this there's no evidence of that so what on earth is the point in my sticking to a low GI diet etc etc when nothing I do is going to make a **** bit of difference!

Dont get me wrong i never ever want to go on to insulin but clearly im not going to have a choice in that and Being told to just go home and wait to deteriorate has rly p**sed me off so I was just wondering whether anyone has came across any proof or evidence in their research of early insulin introduction actually preserving beta cells? He showed me a research study that was carried out that proved it DIDN'T preserve beta cells so I was just wondering whether there was anything to the contrary?

I just feel like SOMETHING should be being tried or tested whilst I still have functioning beta cells! Grrrrr

Diagnosed with GD in 2010, Completely disappeared postpartum. Re-diagnosed December 2012 with type 1.5 diabetes, age 26, BMI 23 currently controlled by only Metformin, 500mg twice a day.


Well-Known Member
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Diet only
Gretchen Becker mentions this on pages 148 and 149 of her book 'The First Year - Type 2 Diabetes' but unfortunately does not mention a source for why she suggests it as an option.


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Hi Elaine. What was your last HBa1C? I had a similar problem with my GP when I was 7.3% and she said insulin was a last resort and wouldn't put me on it. When I rapidly went to 8.3% she offered it and it has helped me enormously. I can understand the GP not being keen if he felt that you were using insulin as an 'excuse' not to control eating. I'm not saying you were but I wonder if he picked-up this message? I was low-carbing with the result my weight which was already normal was still going down i.e. not enough food. Is your weight in the normal range? I know it's frustrating but if you can continue to low-carb and control quantity with no excess weight then the GP may relent if your HBa1C goes/stays noticeably above 7.5%. BTW I've just noticed you are only 26 and diagnosed as T1.5. On this basis the GP should put you onto insulin if your sugars go above 7.5%'ish as you will ultimately go onto insulin anyway.


Well-Known Member
Hi daibell, no he wouldntv thought it had anything to do with my diet or wanting to use insulin to eat whatever I wanted as iv never been unhealthy or overweight anyway and he knows I would happily stay on a low GI diet forever if it meant no insulin! Unfortunately that's not an option with me being autoimmune hence why im getting fed up of it as its just not guna make a difference at all...its not because I want to eat rubbish its because its a whole load of effort for absolutely nothing :-(

My last hba1c was 45 hence why he told me he was discharging me and I just had to wait for a deterioration. My BMI is now 22 down from 23 at diagnosis so pretty stable.

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Hi. Thanks for the info. At 6.3% I can understand why the GP won't play ball as it would need to be at least 7.5% following NICE Guidelines and he might find it difficult to justify to the PCT or the surgery manager etc. I agree with you that insulin should probably be started earlier (I should have been) but GPs are obliged to follow NICE guidelines


Well-Known Member
I'm not convinced it should be started earlier..... I can't find any evidence it would help things... I guess I just feel as though doing nothing while beta cells get destroyed is rubbish lol and that something should be done to try and preserve them while they still exist. GAD vaccine anyone? Lol

Diagnosed with GD in 2010, Completely disappeared postpartum. Re-diagnosed December 2012 with type 1.5 diabetes, age 26, BMI 23 currently controlled by only Metformin, 500mg twice a day.