Prediabetes BG up while it is in the down trend after meal


Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Hi, I am a new Libre GCM user and curious to know why my BG goes up while it should be in the down trend of 2 hours after meal? I didn’t eat anything within those 2 hours . Thank you for sharing your experience with me
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Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Hi, I am a new Libre GCM user and curious to know why my BG goes up while it should be in the down trend of 2 hours after meal? I didn’t eat anything within those 2 hours . Thank you for sharing your experience with me
I don't think that 'should' is appropriate in that situation - with diabetes, blood glucose just does what it does, no rhyme or reason is the usual observation.
There are various factors which might affect blood glucose levels, rate of digestion, rate of production of insulin plus the body's reaction to it at cellular level, activity after eating, activity the previous day, temperature, hydration - plus the natural bloody mindedness of the universe at work.


Well-Known Member
The two hour period is not an absolute, i.e. it does not apply to every person for every type of meal. For example, I stopped using a particular sauce after I discovered it was consistently adding a secondary spike to my bs which sometimes peaked four hours later. Also I have read that some people having trouble eating pizza as the spike is delayed.


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
+1 to what @sgm14 just said. What we eat (meal composition) and to a lesser impact in what order will impact how quickly the food is digested and nutrient processes. Simple carbs get processed very quickly, and the complex take longer. Excess protein can also be converted into BG but takes longer than carbs. The process to get from fat to increased blood glucose is even more intricate and generally requires certain conditions to be satisfied before it even kicks in.
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Retired Moderator
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Hi, I am a new Libre GCM user and curious to know why my BG goes up while it should be in the down trend of 2 hours after meal? I didn’t eat anything within those 2 hours . Thank you for sharing your experience with me
Would you like to share what the food was? Different foods hit differently, so we may be able to find a likely culprit if we know what the food was.

We don't know what your numbers were, going up and down a little throughout the day is completely normal even when fasting, by how much did you go up?

Art Of Flowers

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
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Diet only
I have noticed that when I eat my lunch there is a single rise in glucose which plateaus for a while then slowly decreases,

However, if I eat some strawberries and cream later in the afternoon there are two peaks (biphasic curve) about 1hr apart. These peaks are not as high as my lunch peak glucose. I wonder if it is the cream causing the second peak.


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
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Tablets (oral)
This conversation reminded me of an article I recently saw about mono- and bi-phasic glucose curves:
Biphasic insulin release is such a fascinating subject. From articles I have read, once you have a diminished / absent first phase insulin release, as a pre- diabetic, the probability that you will go on to become diabetic is very high. It’s important for those with pre-diabetes to preserve this initial burst of insulin as it primes the pancreas to release the second phase which continues until homeostasis is achieved . If a person with Pre-diabetes can preserve this initial release by lifestyle changes they maybe able stop the progression to diabetes. This biphasic release of insulin is extremely relevant.


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I have noticed that when I eat my lunch there is a single rise in glucose which plateaus for a while then slowly decreases,

However, if I eat some strawberries and cream later in the afternoon there are two peaks (biphasic curve) about 1hr apart. These peaks are not as high as my lunch peak glucose. I wonder if it is the cream causing the second peak.
The cream you are consuming with your strawberries is slowing carb metabolism. As fat metabolizes at a slower rate. My understanding is the first phase is released soon after your pancreas detects your blood sugars starting to rise. It is a fast sharp rise, if this initial rise does not bring your blood sugars down, the second phase of insulin is released. My own thoughts, you maybe seeing the second phase which continues until your blood sugars come back down. The fat metabolism has prolonged your second phase release. Happy to be corrected on this.