Blood test


Hi all,
I am due my frist Haemoglobin a1c test on Tuesday I understand what this test is for and what they are looking for. My question is do I need to fast for this, my GP who looks after diabetics has asked for this, and then on Wednesday I am due to see my consultant. any questions I should be asking him and what can i expect from him/her. at the moment my health team seem to back each other on 99% of my treatment. the 1% is my medication. I take 80mg of gli****e in the morning as I get hypo's and 160mg in the evening as told by diabetic nurse, Gp said i would of done this the other way round( I was on full dose of gli***** and 1000mg metformin 1 pill in the morn and the other in the evening. By the way thank you to all who help and advise on this web site. Most doctors my know what they are on about but it is us who have to live with diabetes. My GP always asks if i need any test strips etc.. so feel lucky to some of you who have to beg.

sugarless sue

Rude people! Not being able to do the things I want to do.
You don't need to fast for this test as it gives an overview of what your blood sugars have been for the last 90 days.

Knowledge is the key to control


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hello Civ,

Sugarless Sue is right about not having to fast. Yes, you should ask your consultant about your medication and make sure he/she knows that you're getting hypos. It's the Gliclazide that is causing your hypos, Metformin doesn't. It would seem you're on the maximum dose of medication, but I can't be sure. I was getting hypos on Gliclazide so my medication was changed to Metformin. This stopped the hypos and I lost a lot of weight. Much depends on how your condition has progressed and what stage you're at. I am beginning to be resistant to Metformin and this may be where you're at. I assume you don't test at home regularly. It would probably help if you did. Don't accept your GP's refusal to prescribe the strips because as from April, you are difinitely entitled to them according to NICE guidelines.

Your HbA1C should ideally be under 7. You consultant will guide guide you. Your GP/diabetic team are obliged to follow your consultant's guidance.

Good luck,


<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by civ</i>
<br />Hi all,
I am due my frist Haemoglobin a1c test on Tuesday I understand what this test is for and what they are looking for. My question is do I need to fast for this, my GP who looks after diabetics has asked for this, and then on Wednesday I am due to see my consultant. any questions I should be asking him and what can i expect from him/her. at the moment my health team seem to back each other on 99% of my treatment. the 1% is my medication. I take 80mg of gli****e in the morning as I get hypo's and 160mg in the evening as told by diabetic nurse, Gp said i would of done this the other way round( I was on full dose of gli***** and 1000mg metformin 1 pill in the morn and the other in the evening. By the way thank you to all who help and advise on this web site. Most doctors my know what they are on about but it is us who have to live with diabetes. My GP always asks if i need any test strips etc.. so feel lucky to some of you who have to beg.
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote">


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hello again, Civ.

I just wanted to qualify what I said about your HbA1c results.

I would say that instead of it ideally being below 7, below 7 is good. I don't want to worry or pressurise you. Whatever the result, your consultant will tell you how it relates to you and your cirspamstances and control.

You might also like to ask your consultant when you should have your next test although you will probably be told.

You might like to look at ... _hba1c.htm

Good luck,


hi Russ, I do get all the strips I need and test 3 times a day, I was on the max dose and had it reduced due to hypos and also on metformin. My BS seem to be in range and was told i was diabetic back in Feb 2008 with high readings of 20-30 after a fasting blood test, sent straight down to see the gp then on to A&E to see the diabetic team the same day. I had all the systoms of Type 1 and Type 2. had to have blood tests to found out what type and its type 2



Well-Known Member
Hi there Civ,

The advise above is correct, you do not need to fast for your HbA1C BUT, sometimes, when I have mine taken, they also run some other tests, that do need you to fast. I think it is for cholesterol testing, but I am not sure! Some Drs have targets that say things like...all diabetics must have a cholesterol test annually, so they get it done, regardless of whether they think it is a concern or not. Mind you, once they have the needle in your arm, they may as well run as many tests as they can I guess.

Good luck with the results!