BS readings


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As bluetit says, a non low carb breakfast should raise your bg. I have had hypos and struggled to find a reason because I have changed nothing. At least you got to eat chocolates ;).I tend to go for the jelly babies. Always in my pocket just in case
Yes the chocolate was lovely - shame I felt too rough to enjoy it... lol Usually I have a small mini-sized bag of Jellybabies in my handbag... but over the weekend I gave them away to a needy nephew:( that will teach me to be a nice aunty...
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What I meant was that occasionally I fancy something i know I shouldn't have and I hope that it will all work out for the best. This morning I wanted toast more than life its self (ok I'm exaggerating). So I had one slice of seed sensation bread with butter and peanut butter. So it was mainly a carb breakfast, which is why I was hungry come 12noon...and I think the carbs get used up quicker and hence the low BS... I could be totally getting this wrong, but I've never dropped low after a walk before...usually I end up higher. I feel great now...

Where is that liver dump when you need it? LOL.
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I had a "sod it" moment for breakfast, half a sesame seeded baguette toasted with real butter and thickly spread with seriously strong cheddar was heaven fasting BG was 6.1 and spiked at 12.1 and was down to 4.3 before my tea.

No wonder I've been feeling ooooer all day :-(

After a tongue lashing off the missus, The remaining baguette was fed to the ducks, let them have high readings :p

Happy to say I'm still within my carb allowance for the day

Sorry for rambling
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Well-Known Member
Fed up. Bg readings rubbish all day. Surely not still the cream crackers??? An almost zero carb day. And very tired. Normal service to be resumed tomorrow. I hope. Night folks
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Fed up. Bg readings rubbish all day. Surely not still the cream crackers??? An almost zero carb day. And very tired. Normal service to be resumed tomorrow. I hope. Night folks
Fingers crossed for a better day alliebee x
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5.3 this morning, 5.5 after lunch, 5.3 pre evening meal- daughter treated to kfc tonight, as I trialed a few weeks ago and was ok, I had a couple of boneless strips with my yummy Morrison's luxury coleslaw and after 2hrs I'm at 6.2 so no worse than when I've had a roast!
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Just got my Hba1c back; 39! Tra laaaaa! This is my happy face.

I thought it would be good, I had a bug for about 3 weeks at the same time as a kidney infection so I felt quite rotten and hence was testing a lot, kept seeing 5's on the meter :) But I'm really happy with this.

I do synchronised swimming which is really really hard exercise, and I am lucky my lovely boyfriend cooks a fully home made meal for me every night. Other than this I will have a small cake each day usually at some point, but generally don't eat a lot of carb as I don't like it (that's lucky!). I strongly believe the right breakfast, regular exercise, and no processed food has a huge positive benefit for type 2. I'm really very pleased :)
Big well done Suzie!! Hope you are proud of what you have achieved:)
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I had a "sod it" moment for breakfast, half a sesame seeded baguette toasted with real butter and thickly spread with seriously strong cheddar was heaven fasting BG was 6.1 and spiked at 12.1 and was down to 4.3 before my tea.

No wonder I've been feeling ooooer all day :-(

After a tongue lashing off the missus, The remaining baguette was fed to the ducks, let them have high readings :p

Happy to say I'm still within my carb allowance for the day

Sorry for rambling
Bookmite thank you, you really made me laugh out loud for real. That is exactly how I felt this morning when I had a piece of toast for the first time in months.. Like you it was yummy and it did me no good at all.....back to being a good girl now :)
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Bookmite thank you, you really made me laugh out loud for real. That is exactly how I felt this morning when I had a piece of toast for the first time in months.. Like you it was yummy and it did me no good at all.....back to being a good girl now :)
We live and learn Kezzer:) no point in kicking ourselves or being down about it. Glad you had a smile about it too :) toast is the one thing I do miss not having.

getting back on thread my BG readings post tea was 6.3, so still a 2mmol raise.

Tomorrow is a new day
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Oh yes please. I've noticed lots of people reporting higher levels. Is it the colder weather?
It's not that cold my case, just sheer piggery and wrecklessness, unable to resist the temptation.

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I'm really struggling with food at moment too. Managing to stay low carb but exceeding my calorie limit all the time and can't stop thinking about food! Wanted crusty bread and butter at lunch but resisted and had. Sainsburys French onion soup which SPIKED ME from 7.2 to 11.7!!! Wish I'd had the bread- it prob would've had same effect. Not completely sure why soup spiked me so much?

cold ethyl

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I'm really struggling with food at moment too. Managing to stay low carb but exceeding my calorie limit all the time and can't stop thinking about food! Wanted crusty bread and butter at lunch but resisted and had. Sainsburys French onion soup which SPIKED ME from 7.2 to 11.7!!! Wish I'd had the bread- it prob would've had same effect. Not completely sure why soup spiked me so much?

Shop bought soup often has lots of sugar in it and flour. Also onions can spike some folk especially when cooked long and slow to caramelise as in proper French onion soup.
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cold ethyl

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5.4 fasting , didn't do it before lunch as out but 5.4 after lunch and 4.6 before dinner after stressful Aldi shop as my card was declined with full trolley - luckily mr ethyl had brought wallet - no idea what's up with card as it won't work at M and S either but everywhere else is fine. 5.4 now about 11/2 hrs post dinner.
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