Carbs in gelatine???


Well-Known Member

I'm looking to replace my normal food stuff with low sugar and low carb alternatives that closly match the originals. I have posted before about sweet chilli sause and did not get many replies so I assume its not something thats normally done. I'm thinking of trying it next weekend - the only thing I'm worried about is the sticky type texture. Could I replicate wih gelatin? If so how many carbs in it - I can't seem to find much info online


sugarless sue

Rude people! Not being able to do the things I want to do.
According to the Calorie, Carb and Fat bible 2010 there are no carbs in Gelatine but check the packaging to double-check.


Well-Known Member
I did have a quikc shifty when in the shop the other day and there was no info on the pack :(

Thanks for the info though!


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Gelatin won't make your sauce "stick" it will stay runny and thin when hot - and when cold (athough I know you won't be eating it cold!)it will set and be one big solid lump :( Just like a jelly!

I have a limited success using splenda for a sweet chilli sauce - but it wont make a sticky pouring sauce like in a sweet n sour but it will be sticky enough to coat things - eg. prawns - we sometimes have to face it that sometimes there just is no substitute :|

A teaspoon of arrowroot mixed with water and added to your sauce to thicken it a bit should be ok for anyone even on a low carb diet - or if that is even too much for you on a regular basis wouldn't be so bad as a treat


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Sorry Howard - I misunderstood what it was you were trying to create - I read your other post and thought what you were after was a hot for sweet chilli prawns, sweet n sour type etc :D

I agree - sweet chilli is great with anything - but as I pointed out gelatin will make it a jelly not a sauce - I may be being a bit pedantic here but just didn't want you to be disappointed- if you put it on hot food it will go like sweet chilli water- sweet chilli jelly would be fantastic with cold food though-(we need a drooly smilie :lol: )

( like this one :D)

I often make sugar free mint jellies and blackcurrant jellies for cold meats - and beetroot in concentrated blackcurrant sugarfree jelly is delicious 8)


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