

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Unfairness/ use of offensive language.
Just wondering if anyone has had a colonoscopy and if so how did you cope with the preparation for it please? esp no solid food and effect on blood sugars during the day before the test. Would be grateful for any advice. Thanks.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Are you a Type 1 on insulin or a Type 2? If so, what medications are you taking?


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Yes I have had one, but I wasn't taking any diabetes drugs then, so I can't help you with advice there. I took my blood pressure tablet and warfarin as usual. The immediate effect on my blood sugars was fine, (they stayed around 5.5- 6.5) however I found the diet they asked you to eat the day before the fasting day was awful and made me crave carbs again, also the laxatives are flavoured with artificial sweetener which I have always found to be very addictive, so I craved diet drinks for weeks afterwards. I didn't find going without food a problem - after eating white bread and sweets the day before the 24 hour fast was a pleasure.

The main problem for me was that no one explained quite how powerful the laxatives were! When you start taking the picolax, you need to stay very close to a loo. If I ever need to go through a colonoscopy again I will take a chair and stay in the bathroom with a book, being in a room next to the bathroom was not close enough! The colonoscopy itself wasn't that bad for me, embarrassing but not painful, just uncomfortable. I wasn't sedated, I just had a couple of puffs of entonox. Good luck for yours
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
I had to have one about 18 months ago.

The hospital booked me got the first appointment in the morning so they could feed me as soon as gory could.

The night before, I was allowed clear fluids so had some Knorr simmer soups drained (Chicken Noodle flavour) which kept the sugars fairly even. This was as a type 1
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Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Yes I have had one, but I wasn't taking any diabetes drugs then, so I can't help you with advice there. I took my blood pressure tablet and warfarin as usual. The immediate effect on my blood sugars was fine, (they stayed around 5.5- 6.5) however I found the diet they asked you to eat the day before the fasting day was awful and made me crave carbs again, also the laxatives are flavoured with artificial sweetener which I have always found to be very addictive, so I craved diet drinks for weeks afterwards. I didn't find going without food a problem - after eating white bread and sweets the day before the 24 hour fast was a pleasure.

The main problem for me was that no one explained quite how powerful the laxatives were! When you start taking the picolax, you need to stay very close to a loo. If I ever need to go through a colonoscopy again I will take a chair and stay in the bathroom with a book, being in a room next to the bathroom was not close enough! The colonoscopy itself wasn't that bad for me, embarrassing but not painful, just uncomfortable. I wasn't sedated, I just had a couple of puffs of entonox. Good luck for yours

Oh zand - not picolax!?! :wideyed:
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Pasta, sorry to me it's vile, yeuch lol (and full of nasty carbs)
I have had 3 colonoscopies due to bowel disease and surgery and have had half of my bowel removed. In Scotland they generally admit diabetics the day before the procedure so that they can monitor you and switch you to insulin if needed (if you are on oral meds only). The only down side is drinking all that Kleen Prep stuff, there's lots of it and take a lot of spare underwear should you be caught short as I've learned through experience lol. Good luck !
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I have had three and I am seriously thinking of not having any more. I got tested for blood in stools and lucky me had some but it was not cancer, just polyps. I was put on the bowel cancer screening program.

According to the examining doctors I don't handle the preparation very well. I usually camp out in the bathroom/toilet and drink the horrible stuff they give you. Only they could call it lemon flavour. The main problem is that you are supposed to drink three litres of water as well as the gloop and I have the greatest difficulty doing that.

I have never tested the blood sugars since there is not a lot I can do about it after eating high protein meals for a couple of days and then the nasty stuff. I just do it. A nurse took my blood sugars on arrival at the hospital and they were 5.8. A nice surprise since I had no idea what to expect.

They found polyps on all three occasions so I should stay on the program but it is a trial.