Confused about breakfast


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Diet only
I have read two conflicting things about breakfast and wonder if anyone can help me out!

1. It's good to eat breakfast. It kick starts your metabolism, and helps to keep your BG steady.
2. It's good to fast for a few hours every day, eg from 7pm in the evening until lunchtime the following day, thus skipping breakfast.

So... should I be having my (low carb) breakfast or not? Sometimes I wake up ravenous, sometimes I don't want anything to eat until 2 or 3pm...


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
I find Jason Fung's arguments about eating only when hungry, and skipping breakfast if you don't want it, totally convincing.
But then, ideally, I would still like to drop of a few pounds and reduce my insulin resistance a smidge. So I'm kinda biased.

But I have been through a number of different breakfast belief/perspectives ;) during the last 30 years, and now think there is no one rule to rule them all. :D

Provided you aren't crabby with hunger, wobbly with low blood glucose, hyper from sugary cereals, or weighed down from a too big Fry Up, then just do what comes naturally to you.
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Liars, cold feet, being the odd one out at outings ("can you make sure that's a diet coke").
I'd go with the first. If I don't have some breakfast I just have liver dump, which puts up my bs levels anyway. Just finished my lunch,,(I know it's early, but hubby is a postie and we rise at 5am). Had a pommlette. A cross between a pizza and an omelette.
Not a crust to be seen. Lol


Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
I've never been a regular breakfast eater for most of my life in spite of being beaten over the head for this aberrant behaviour. And since I'm now on a very low carb diet I'm mainly burning either dietary or stored body fat, so I don't actually have the same requirement to keep topping up my fuel levels that I would if eating mainly carby food. This means I'm able eat or drink whatever I feel like whenever I feel like it in the morning - and if we're pedantic about it, the first meal of the day at whatever time we choose to eat it is a "break fast" meal. :D So I'd agree with @Brunneria that you should do what your body tells you - it actually knows more about what you need much better than anyone else!



Well-Known Member
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Don't have diabetes
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Diet only
I have read two conflicting things about breakfast and wonder if anyone can help me out!

1. It's good to eat breakfast. It kick starts your metabolism, and helps to keep your BG steady.
2. It's good to fast for a few hours every day, eg from 7pm in the evening until lunchtime the following day, thus skipping breakfast.

So... should I be having my (low carb) breakfast or not? Sometimes I wake up ravenous, sometimes I don't want anything to eat until 2 or 3pm...
I agree with whomever wrote follow your bliss. Unless there is something wrong people can go without breakfast and do fine.


Well-Known Member
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Diet only
I agree pretty much with all the above comments. Some days I skip breakfast; some days I don't, depending on how hungry I feel. What I've found useful, though, is using mini-fasting like this as a way of stabilising weight/maintaining weight loss. If I discover I've put on a pound or two I find that a couple of days without breakfast brings me back to where I was previously. It hasn't happened yet, but if I discovered I'd dipped below my target weight, I'd then make sure I had breakfast each day until I came back up. It's pretty painless.
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