Confused husband type 1 diagnosed 2 weeks ago


Our first visit everything seemed very serious - given 4 injections a day and told to stay off work. Second visit saw dietician told alcohol ok, as long as not on a empty stomach. Vigorous exercise ok as long as check blood sugar every 1/2 hour. Just feel that it was a complete change around and has made my husband take things less seriously which is worrying me. He drives quite a few hours everyday for work and works away a few nights each week which is really worrying me also. Am i over worrying or did we just catch the nurse on a generous day


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Everything you've been told is the same as I was told. I was diagnosed 4 weeks ago and I was back at work after 3 days. I drink, but in moderation and I eat dinner at the same time. I exercise daily, I just check BG levels and reduce insulin accordingly. It doesn't have to rule his life! I haven't even changed my diet drastically.