Congratulatory text from GP!!


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
After initially doing really well at diagnosis following LCHF diet & testing I got complacent & fell off the wagon which along with steroids resulted in my ending up in A&E with levels of 33+ in January.

Saw GP & my Hba1c was 91. Had a repeat done after 6 weeks.
Anyway I've just had a text from the GP who specialises in Diabetes saying my Hba1c is now 64 'superb' & 'well done'
He recommends that I have another one in another 6 weeks. (Then I will probably leave it 4-6 months.)
Really good positive text. (Might ring up to order some more test strips whilst he remembers my name!!)
Feeling great!!

O & I've also lost 10kg!!
Thanks to everyone for their support!!!
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Brilliant well done! :) I only get nagging texts from my GP telling me my HbA1c is overdue.
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Reactions: 2 people


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Great reductions in blood sugars and weight @Sunny, well done! :) And it's great that the GP who specialises in diabetes takes such an encouraging attitude. Does he know you are doing LCHF and if he does what is his views on that?


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Brilliant well done! :) I only get nagging texts from my GP telling me my HbA1c is overdue.
You are lucky to get those. My GP leaves it to me to remember when I am due to have blood tests and make the appointment.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Well done Sunny, but TXT from doctors - sorry you must be in a different parallel universe from me!


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Cauliflower pretending to be rice and any vegetable pretending to be pasta
Hi Sunny Great result and a text from the GP!!!
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Reactions: 2 people


Type of diabetes
Type 2
If the sun shines at the outside and the wind is calmly.., my feelings come to be rather free and happy so when all the stress has been loosen on me, my diabetic results seem wonderful... All is that... If every time i can live on this format, i don't need another way and anything. To be quiet with your soul is enough, for the control your diabetes.

Pink lady

Type of diabetes
Type 2
After initially doing really well at diagnosis following LCHF diet & testing I got complacent & fell off the wagon which along with steroids resulted in my ending up in A&E with levels of 33+ in January.

Saw GP & my Hba1c was 91. Had a repeat done after 6 weeks.
Anyway I've just had a text from the GP who specialises in Diabetes saying my Hba1c is now 64 'superb' & 'well done'
He recommends that I have another one in another 6 weeks. (Then I will probably leave it 4-6 months.)
Really good positive text. (Might ring up to order some more test strips whilst he remembers my name!!)
Feeling great!!

O & I've also lost 10kg!!
Thanks to everyone for their support!!!
Hi Good on You , Well Done !
I was pleased & interested to read your post , as I have Steroid induced t2 ins/re Diabetics having been on y for 4 years for skin disorders & I also have lots Allergies & chronic Asthma so need extra Steriods for Flare ups etc . I have several other medical conditions. &I take about 48 different drugs per day , how do they know it's steroid induced ?????? I don't understand ?.
Diabetics now ruling my life!' As I have Nurothphey Affecting my Brain memory is really bad