Continous Blood Sugar Monitoring System

Avani 1985

Hi All,

I want to buy one Continuous Blood Sugar Monitoring System, so that i can manage my BG level. I don't know which company's machine is better? Please help me out. Also let me know the approximate cost of the same (of the machine as well as of the sensor).

My requirements from machine is that It should check my BG level every 5 minutes, so that my BG should neither rise nor fall.

Also let me your experience of using this system. Does it really reduce your HBa1C?


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I think its generally aggreed as a stand alone system Dexcom is best. I cant give a quote on price but i know recent thread by duneplodder where he has bought one.

Dexcom does transmit every 5 mins and yes can very much lower your HB1AC however its cheapest used with a pump if you can get the aminas vibe.

Avani 1985

Thanks a lot dear for ur quick reply..i wl see duneplodder's thread for the cost..

Actually i am fron india & want such machine which is available in india.
I have heard tht this machine is very costly..specially recurring cost of thts why i want to be sure about it before i finalize abt the machine..

Actually i am nt intending to buy pump..i am comfortable wth insulin injections..i jst want one such machine which alert me in advance whenever my BG level is goung to rise or fall.

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Chas C

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Hi Avani - I use the Dexcom G4, there are only three systems on the market and they all cost about the same. The Dexcom sensors for me last 3-4 weeks, much longer than the 1 week that its guaranteed for. As I'm in the UK I also had to purchase mine, in the end it was the price and expected life of the sensors that swung it towards Dexcom.


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new on here, my daughter is type 1, shes 4 and can not let anyone know shes hypo, was thinking of getting her one from dexcom, its over 900£ for the starter pack and 250£ a month to replace the sensor, this is a huge cost and now i am thinking of applying for one which is funded as its a concern she has no awareness of it. I have read that children who are not aware should be offered one but our diabetic team don't know much about the dexcom g4.


Well-Known Member
I think the sensors are cheaper from the pump company. If you do decide to get the cgm, then have a look at Sentector app. A parent wrote a msg on the forum a while ago all about this app and its benefits to alert through a mobile or tablet.

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A word of warning: the CGM won't make your sugars stable without a LOT of work, trial and error and dedication!
Biggest plus for me is hypo warnings and now, complete absence of severe hypos.

I've had the Dexcom for 5mths and even with 48yrs experience of T1, carb counting etc., I'm still learning how to keep sugars stable. You need a clinician or DSN who has experience of CGM to support you in my view, as you will be amazed by what you learn and need to think about. I recommend you look at Dr Stephen Ponder's web site and FB pages called The Power Within as he gives helpful advice and support (though he's in the USA and they do some things differently!). I've so far only come across one person who got NHS funding. I don't think NICE has looked at CGM yet and my GP laughed at me when I said I needed support - and that was only when I was seeking clinical support!! So have never asked for funding, but know it would not come....

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Chas C

Well-Known Member
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The sensor price of £250 is for four sensors, they are guaranteed for 7 days each, but on many people last much longer. For me they last 3-4 weeks each, I'd guess I get up to 3 months from one box. Also Animas provide the sensor pack even if your not an the animas pump for around £190.