Could Baked Beans be the answer?

lying, cheating, thieving mp's. Mobile phones, supermarket culture and having corrupt sport rammed down my throat on a daily basis!
I have moved into the next phase of diabetes. It is called autonomic diabetic neuropathy. I think I know my fate! I have also reached the good state of "Reversed Diabetes". This has been acheived by diet alone, living on just 600 calories a day, as the normal medication of insulin and tablets was causing complications. On my current diet my fasting readings at 06:00 hrs is always 5.8 :crazy:
The other day I did more manual work than usual, so felt very hungry. I ate a whole 15oz can of C&B baked beans, having first washed half of the sauce off. An extra 300 calories when compared to my normal intake. In the morning my reading was 5.1 How strange....more food...lower reading!
I waited a few days, readings having returned to 5.9 and then ate more drained baked beans. Same thing, reading at 5.1 Is there something apart from fibre in the humble bean? :clap:


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Thats interesting, must give it a go. My bloods are also showing around 5.8 in the mornings now. On a low carb diet, not as savage as yours but it seems to be working, ime regularly testing 5 at 2 hours after a meal. Did toast [gluten free muck] for breakfast today as i had an oak tree to cut, split n stack and its bloody cold out and i tested 5.6 a couple of hours later.

Maybe there's more than meets the eye to the good old baked bean.



Well-Known Member
Have you tried the low sugar heinz beans? I can eat half a tin of these without any spikes in my readings


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For a while I have been buying the cheaper brands of some foods including baked beans. It's well know that the reason C&B and Hz taste so good is because of the glucose thickeners that are put in. The cheaper brands have more watery fluid and are far cheaper.

If you are going to wash the sauce away why waste money paying for highly expensive gunk.


Well-Known Member
iHs said:
For a while I have been buying the cheaper brands of some foods including baked beans. It's well know that the reason C&B and Hz taste so good is because of the glucose thickeners that are put in. The cheaper brands have more watery fluid and are far cheaper.

If you are going to wash the sauce away why waste money paying for highly expensive gunk.
VERY good point. Don't wash it away myself do buy Heinz, but if I WAS washing....
lying, cheating, thieving mp's. Mobile phones, supermarket culture and having corrupt sport rammed down my throat on a daily basis!
Hi Grazer,
The only reason I used C&B b/beans is because there was a BOGOF offer on them! I experimented again yesterdday with no sauce at all and as expected had lower reading of 3.9 but still more food than normal. What I am asking is, is there something in the bean itself? :roll:


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HP were my favourite until Branstons brought their own out, having said that I rarely eat baked beans now but would opt for Branstons every-time :)


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For the record, it is possible to buy beans without the sauce (either canned or, cheaper and more compact, dried) :D


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Yeah you can just buy haricot beans in a packet. Should be in the dried foods section but they also do them in tins.
Nigella has her own recipe for baked beans but as I don't like beans, I've never tried it. It's in her 'Christmas' book if you're interested in trying it.
lying, cheating, thieving mp's. Mobile phones, supermarket culture and having corrupt sport rammed down my throat on a daily basis!
Some of you are missing the point of the question that I posted. I am not talking about the brand of B/beans, proprietary or not, thickened sauce or not, reduced sugar or not, plain tinned in salted water or dried . I notice, that in my case, after eating beans my glucose level falls significantly, even after eating more food than usual. Is there something in the bean that causes this to happen like other foods that are proven to reduce cholesterol :wink:


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Are you eating them first thing? If so it could be they just kick your systems into action and clear any DP effects you have. Because of DP my first reading of the day is normally my highest, normally somewhere between 5.5 and 6.5 most days. I eat 30g of berries and 50g of plain yoghurt and within 2 hours my BS is normally back around 5.0, if I don't eat breakfast then I'll stay at the DP level until 2 hours after my lunch.

Alternatively are you eating them on days just before you do more exercise. I can knock 1 mmol/l of my next +2 hour BS reading by simply having a really fast 10 minute walk round the block after I eat.


soaps on telly and people talking about the characters as if they were real.
Haricot beans are about 5% carb and 2% fibre, which might have beneficial features. I don't know, but it might be worth investigating.
lying, cheating, thieving mp's. Mobile phones, supermarket culture and having corrupt sport rammed down my throat on a daily basis!
xyzzy said:
Are you eating them first thing? If so it could be they just kick your systems into action and clear any DP effects you have. Because of DP my first reading of the day is normally my highest, normally somewhere between 5.5 and 6.5 most days. I eat 30g of berries and 50g of plain yogurt and within 2 hours my BS is normally back around 5.0, if I don't eat breakfast then I'll stay at the DP level until 2 hours after my lunch.

Alternatively are you eating them on days just before you do more exercise. I can knock 1 mmol/l of my next +2 hour BS reading by simply having a really fast 10 minute walk round the block after I eat.
No,I felt really bad one evening and didn't know what was wrong or what to do. My BS at that time was 5.9 I had them for the first time at about 22:00hrs and expected an horrific BS reading in the morning but it read 5.1. It doesn't seem to matter whether I exercise or not for my BS level to drop after eating beans. The only reason that I noticed this change was because I felt so guilty at breaking my very strict dietary regime that I took a reading 2 hours earlier than usual. Perhaps my physiology has changed. :wave:


Hi i can also eat beans on toast without hardly any affect in my bg levels, strange*. im now on my 3rd month of diet only T2.

Just so happens last saturday i ate 3 pieces of chicken and chips from Dixies takeaway as a treat= levels were (6.3) before and (3.9) 2 hours later :***: anyway im starting to notice this is happening more often, perhaps diet is changing physiology...


Well-Known Member
Duke34 said:
Hi i can also eat beans on toast without hardly any affect in my bg levels, strange*. im now on my 3rd month of diet only T2.

Just so happens last saturday i ate 3 pieces of chicken and chips from Dixies takeaway as a treat= levels were (6.3) before and (3.9) 2 hours later :***: anyway im starting to notice this is happening more often, perhaps diet is changing physiology...

Hi Duke. As it was a takeaway, I'm wondering if you had any alcohol before or after eating?


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peteratsrinagar said:
Perhaps my physiology has changed. :wave:

Would be interesting to see if there are other things you can now eat. Think I'll try the beans thing out myself as although not as strict as you I do low carb so widening variety is a good thing to me.


@Grazer.. no, no alchohol was consumed before or after (went to bed early) and i only had a piece of toast all day before it.