COVID vaccine and extremely high blood sugars


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I posted a reply which seems to have disappeared!
I also need to report sky high blood sugars and despite 30g of insulin over 10 hrs (normally take approx 10 units in a day in 3 doses over 12 hours. Despite significant insulin increase, levels are not decreasing!
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Bigotry, reliance on unsupported 'facts', unkindness, unfairness.
Did anyone see all the articles about the way real Covid raises blood sugars? No wonder we T1’s, and everyone with some kind of diabetes, is so vulnerable. I suspect those of us who have high blood sugars following the vaccine are experiencing immune responses.


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Diet only
Did anyone see all the articles about the way real Covid raises blood sugars? No wonder we T1’s, and everyone with some kind of diabetes, is so vulnerable. I suspect those of us who have high blood sugars following the vaccine are experiencing immune responses.

I agree.
I am T2 not on insulin and Long Covid has also kept my bgs at a higher level than usual for perhaps 10 months.


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Did anyone see all the articles about the way real Covid raises blood sugars? No wonder we T1’s, and everyone with some kind of diabetes, is so vulnerable. I suspect those of us who have high blood sugars following the vaccine are experiencing immune responses.
Yeah there was a guy with Type 1 talking about how it effected him, and in addition to all the Covid symptoms he mentioned not being able to get his Blood Sugar below 16.

In Response

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Seems like we are all different. I experienced the opposite probably and needed to reduce my basal.
I have read others with the same experience.

I guess this just emphasises the need to test more than usual following the jab and to be prepared for any eventuality - higher, lower or no change.
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Well-Known Member
This has happened to me too. Had vaccine yesterday, levels high, adjusted rapid and slow acting. Woke up 13.7, took 7units, an hour later 17.6 !, took a further 12 units (I normally am within range 4 to 9 and rarely take more than 4 units!), 4 hours later 14.9 ! , took a further 10 units !!!
thats 30 units over 10 hours (3 days worth of insulin) and still high !!
What to do?

I took about three days for my levels to return to normal, which they now appear to be. Hopefully no real damage done. I would say give it a few days and just try to eat really low carb.


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Hi. I have been diabetic for 40years. I had the COVID vaccine on Friday and my blood sugars since have been in the 20’s. I normally have really good control barely going above 11 but today I can not get them below 20. I feel awful. I’ve been sick too. I’ve tried changing my insulin cartridge to see if it was that but at the moment I’ve doubled my insulin and barely eaten. Anything I do eat seems to come back up. Has anyone else had this after the vaccine. The nurse told me it could be high for a couple of days after and not to worry unless it goes into the 30’s.

I had the Astra quite recently and took a good 4/5 days to eventually get mine down. I upped my back ground for a few days (gradually) that helped. I felt unwell for a few days too. Lots of water and some light walking should help. Don’t worry it will pass
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Had my first jab last thursday (about 5 days ago now). Side effects hit me like a truck but had no effect on BG for a couple days.. but since my control has gone to pot, I'm wondering if the immune response to the jab has kicked me out of the honeymoon period
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I likewise had elevated blood sugars - they started spiking within a few hours and I sadly didn't realise it was the vaccine until the following day. I increased my background by 40% and it lasted about 6 days. I was asked by the GP to report this:

It would have been useful to have been advised that it may raise blood sugars..


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I believe my body has been knocked by the covid jab, just like it would be if I had any illness.
I think we have been very unlucky. It is now eight weeks since my AstraZeneca vaccination . Although my initial side-effects (that I wrote about previously) have improved, I still need more insulin and my readings are erratic, just feeling 'grotty' generally. There may be some ingredients in the AstraZeneca that cause this reaction. I am hesitating about having the second jab at all, when offered. Perhaps some 'expert' statistician has worked out the probability of side effects being bad again, but I do not even know how many, if any, Type 1s did they have in the original trial.


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Had my jab 10am this morning, blood glucose has been very manageable, lower than usual if anything, however effects have only just started to hit me. Fever, shivers, lightheaded ness and headache, sinus congestion? Neck pain and nausea. Aswell as my body feeling like I’ve been hit by a bus.

Fingers crossed the feeling will soon pass, getting prepared for high levels tomorrow but we’ll see. I’ve seen a few people experiencing lows for extended periods of time.
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glitter queen

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I think we have been very unlucky. It is now eight weeks since my AstraZeneca vaccination . Although my initial side-effects (that I wrote about previously) have improved, I still need more insulin and my readings are erratic, just feeling 'grotty' generally. There may be some ingredients in the AstraZeneca that cause this reaction. I am hesitating about having the second jab at all, when offered. Perhaps some 'expert' statistician has worked out the probability of side effects being bad again, but I do not even know how many, if any, Type 1s did they have in the original trial.

I had AstraZeneca a month ago. Very high BG since.

At first put this down to broken wrist causing me to be less active & therefore insulin resistant. But dont think this is the case.

Am on MDI. Have adjusted my basal slightly but think i need to increase it further as still getting sky high readings. Advice required on how people have done this safely & seen results

Am now concerned about having second dose. Anyone who has had second dose got any feedback please?
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glitter queen

Type of diabetes
Type 1
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I posted a reply which seems to have disappeared!
I also need to report sky high blood sugars and despite 30g of insulin over 10 hrs (normally take approx 10 units in a day in 3 doses over 12 hours. Despite significant insulin increase, levels are not decreasing!

I am having same experience. Had my jab a month ago. Now very concerned about getting 2nd jab
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glitter queen

Type of diabetes
Type 1
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I think we have been very unlucky. It is now eight weeks since my AstraZeneca vaccination . Although my initial side-effects (that I wrote about previously) have improved, I still need more insulin and my readings are erratic, just feeling 'grotty' generally. There may be some ingredients in the AstraZeneca that cause this reaction. I am hesitating about having the second jab at all, when offered. Perhaps some 'expert' statistician has worked out the probability of side effects being bad again, but I do not even know how many, if any, Type 1s did they have in the original trial.

How did you get your BG down? I am struggling still one month after first AZ jab
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glitter queen

Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Had my jab 10am this morning, blood glucose has been very manageable, lower than usual if anything, however effects have only just started to hit me. Fever, shivers, lightheaded ness and headache, sinus congestion? Neck pain and nausea. Aswell as my body feeling like I’ve been hit by a bus.

Fingers crossed the feeling will soon pass, getting prepared for high levels tomorrow but we’ll see. I’ve seen a few people experiencing lows for extended periods of time.

Have you managed to bring them down now? Im still struggling
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glitter queen

Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Did anyone see all the articles about the way real Covid raises blood sugars? No wonder we T1’s, and everyone with some kind of diabetes, is so vulnerable. I suspect those of us who have high blood sugars following the vaccine are experiencing immune responses.

Can you post link for article please
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glitter queen

Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
This has happened to me too. Had vaccine yesterday, levels high, adjusted rapid and slow acting. Woke up 13.7, took 7units, an hour later 17.6 !, took a further 12 units (I normally am within range 4 to 9 and rarely take more than 4 units!), 4 hours later 14.9 ! , took a further 10 units !!!
thats 30 units over 10 hours (3 days worth of insulin) and still high !!
What to do?

I am struggling like you. Been one month since my AZ jab. Have you managed to control it yet? If so how please?
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Well-Known Member
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I am struggling like you. Been one month since my AZ jab. Have you managed to control it yet? If so how please?
My high bloods only lasted a week but I had to slowly raise my basal until it was right. I was extremely lethargic and it was in lockdown so working from home and didn't feel like exercising so I didn't feel too worried about possible hypos. First 12 or so hours my body hadn't reacted. I then needed so much correction with bolus in the following 24hrs that I rose my basal when I was then next due to take some. I use libre and had family members scan for me if I was asleep and did back up finger prick tests when I was awake to see how it was going. Afraid it was just trial and error and lots of testing which worked for me! Was within normal range again 48hrs after the first vaccine but on almost 4x my usual total insulin. This came down gradually over the rest of the week and I was back to pre vaccine total daily insulin quantities after 7 days. From what I've heard the AZ side effects aren't as bad for the second vaccine dose, got mine in a few weeks can update then!

Edited to correct typos.
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Well-Known Member
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I had AstraZeneca a month ago. Very high BG since.

At first put this down to broken wrist causing me to be less active & therefore insulin resistant. But dont think this is the case.

Am on MDI. Have adjusted my basal slightly but think i need to increase it further as still getting sky high readings. Advice required on how people have done this safely & seen results

Am now concerned about having second dose. Anyone who has had second dose got any feedback please?
Don't have any advice, but have a similar experience.

First 12 hours fine. Zero issues. Then the sore arm and standard side effects came. Then rapidly rising insulin requirements getting worse and worse until day 5 when it started to ease off. Nothing has been as that day 5 since, but I wouldn't say I'm exactly back to normal. My insulin requirements have bounced a lot in the past few weeks. As in, I need less and less and then suddenly need more again. Less and less and then suddenly need more. I'm still using about 25%* more Bolus than I was, and 10% more Basal. Sometimes my Basal gets too much, but when I think about switching it back to what it was before the Vaccine my requirements suddenly jump back up again.

*I need more than 100% more Bolus at its worse.
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