Diabetes and tattoos

SPIDERS (cringe)
Hello everyone,
Sorry if this seems a silly question. I had a tattoo done years ago before I was diagnosed T2. Now I am wondering if it is ok to have another one? Would it affect my BG?


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Type 2
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Diet only
I think that you are going to have to be the guinea pig on this one. I can't see why it should affect blood sugar levels but it can only be proved one way or another by doing the test. Don't forget to report back.


Well-Known Member
its been discussed on here before, it will affect/effect?(nevr know which is the right one to use) you sugar levels as many things do, depends how big the tattoo, how long the sitting will be etc but best thing to do is make sure your levels are ok before you sit down to get started and also have a sugary drink with you incase your sugars do dip.

i have some tattoos all done after i was diagnosed T1. never had any issues with my sugar levels apart from once when i took to much insulin but that was before i even arrived so doesnt count :wink: i asked my diabetic doctor before gettin my first couple done but after gettin a lecture about do i really want a tattoo? do i know if the place is clean? how can i know for sure if it is clean? etc i have given up askin and just get them done :D some people say that gettin them done on places you inject can sometimes cause it to take longer to heal and that you should take extra care on the aftercare of it but that i look after mine the same way everyone i know who gets them done and i have been ok everytime.

Hope that helps?

out of noseyness(spelling??) what you getting done?

SPIDERS (cringe)
Thanks for the replies!
I will go and consult my doc before getting anything done, although I think I'll be greeted with the same reply of 'why would you want a tattoo?' I love Japanese tattoos. I have a phoenix on my back with lots of cherry blossom trees. Now I want the Koi fish lol and it probably wont stop there. :grin:

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Well-Known Member
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Anything healthy!
It's totally fine to have tattoos, I've had 7 done since ibe been diagnosed and it's been no problem. I didn't ask my dr, I'm not the kind of person to ask my dr is ok to have this done or that done. Everything heals normally too.


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the_happy_hammer said:
Thanks for the replies!
I will go and consult my doc before getting anything done, although I think I'll be greeted with the same reply of 'why would you want a tattoo?' I love Japanese tattoos. I have a phoenix on my back with lots of cherry blossom trees. Now I want the Koi fish lol and it probably wont stop there. :grin:

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Hi happyhammer .

We have a member who has had a beautiful koi carp done on his arm .
I will rummage out the thread link - post here for you to take a look :)
Here it is - it is a large thread on tattoos and member smiffy has a great koi carp tattoo
you may wish to look at ?




Well-Known Member
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As long as it's done in a reputable,hygienic parlour AND your blood sugars are well controlled(Remember we are more prone to local infections and raised glucose readings are the perfect breeding ground for bacteria) then it should {hopefully} be fine! :D

I'm thinking of getting one myself


Well-Known Member
Retired Moderator
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Type 2
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Cruelty to Animals/Children
Hi All .

I visited ryan my tattooist four [4] times before I was sure I wanted him to do mine .
It is important as its your health and the tattoo is for life !

Always follow up any tattoo with good aftercare advice too .

Anna .
SPIDERS (cringe)
Thanks Paul and Anna. That tattoo was beautiful, I'm thinking of having mine done on my thigh. Personally I don't want any on my arms. I won't be getting this one for a few months as I do need to research some parlours. The guy who did my last one was excellent but sadly moved back to his home country not long after mine was completed. :cry: I'll take the husband along with me to check out tattoo parlours. He has had quite a few and knows what to look for and the questions to ask. When it is done I'll try and upload it here and let you all know how it went. :D

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