Diabetes, despair and depression


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
An article for you.
*****As many as one in every five people with type 1 or 2 diabetes were depressed before they got diabetes, according to a report in Clinical Psychiatry News. This has led researchers to question whether depression may help cause type 2 diabetes in the first place. In a 13-year study of nearly 2,000 people, researchers at Johns Hopkins University found that those who were depressed were more than twice as likely as others to develop the disease. However in a Canadian study, researchers examined the health records of close to 90,000 people over a 12-year period and found that new diagnoses of depression in diabetics and non-diabetics were about the same. The study concluded that type 2 diabetes did not increase the risk of depression. A study of 4,747 subjects in the Netherlands found that patients with diagnosed type 2 diabetes were more likely to suffer from depression than those with undiagnosed diabetes, suggesting instead that depression may be a consequence of the burden of diabetes.*****

We then have the 5 stages of grief that many diabetics go through and one of these is depression. This grief process is related to many negative changes in our lives and can include a diagnosis of a chronic conditions.
I can definitely agree on that - depressed before diagnosed with diabetes. Carb cravings then self loathing for doing it. Teenage girls are the best at it.
Understanding your own emotions are the key to understanding depression. I think.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Interesting, just ran across another reference to choline deficiency being a factor in fatty liver disease - so choline supplements might also assist people who are suffering from NAFLD/NASH.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Interesting, just ran across another reference to choline deficiency being a factor in fatty liver disease - so choline supplements might also assist people who are suffering from NAFLD/NASH.
I'll relay that to a friend. @Liam1955 . He isnt diagnosed with depression but the NAFLD reference will interest him. So choline deficiency may be a factor in his liver condition. I hope he doesn't mind me tagging him but it could just make a difference for him.
Thanks @Indy51 . You're a gem! :)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Cauliflower and brussels. Seafood and eggs. Liver too, work for me.
I need to eat myself healthy!
Gone off cooking. Tired a lot but I'll crack the eggs open at least. Well mr ickihun will. ;)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Anti-Gay People, Self Centre People, Two Faced People and Bad Language.
Thanks for that information - @Indy51 & @ickihun :). And to be honest I am diagnosed and being treated with Antidepressant tablets by my GP. But, I was Diabetic before the Depression which began just after my Mum died who I cared for 9 years with Alzheimer's and she was also type 2 Diabetic. :)
I will read up on Choline Deficiency for NAFLD/NASH.
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Active Member
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BG spikes, Nazis, papercuts.
I've only been recently diagnosed, but don't let Brian Blessed and the donkey fool you, I feel pretty bleak about it all.

I'm hoping it's just the same (temporary?) process of adjustment that has numbed my hands and robbed me of 20-20 vision. My blood sugar is as stable as it's going to get, but I can't help but feel it's still dictating my moods. Or is it the metformin? Or the insulin? Or the non-absorption of any one of a frillion vitamins and minerals? There are just too many variables. They're just not playing fair.

I'm trying to convince myself that diabetes itself isn't the problem, that other people on here have it much worse than me, and I'm painfully aware of that. I hope this doesn't antagonise anybody, but I would regard Type 2 as more of a challenge to be overcome; it would be more motivating in itself, and I speak as someone who was initially misdiagnosed that way. But with Type 1 or LADA it's like a coping strategy that you have to master. There is no possibility of overcoming it, and any movement against it is by definition defensive. You just have to lower your expectations, which to me is inherently depressing.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
mean people, corrupt politicians, poverty, happy pharmaceutical ads;


My husband had type 2 and with diet and exercise was cleared of it for about 6 years. He then had a breakdown was sectioned, then became depressed tried to commit suicide and is in very poor mental health, guess what the diabetes has returned. Medication for his mental health, poor diet and not enough exercise, is in my opinion, the cause of the return of diabetes type 2.
It's been a tough year with pneumonia and Bell's palsy to recover from. I try to control his diet as much as possible but it is so hard.

So the effects of the depression and the medication for depression and psychosis has caused the type 2.


I didn't think I was the sort of person who would get MG in fact I'd never even heard of it. Did not consider my self a candidate for diabetes and being diagnosed with an AAA was a complete shock.

Pathogens diseases conditions are forces of nature they are impersonal and don't care one jot what you think

Clinical Depression is an illness and not just about feeling sad you have no say in the matter and it is not under your control unless measures to bring it under control are taken and that will almost certainly require the help of a clinical practitioner and medication if required.

It's not about being a sort of person any more than T2 is just about life style.
I agree lifestyle, my husband changed his lost 5 stone and diabetes went, suffered a breakdown and depression and effects and medication, type two has returned.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
mean people, corrupt politicians, poverty, happy pharmaceutical ads;
My husband had type 2 and with diet and exercise was cleared of it for about 6 years. He then had a breakdown was sectioned, then became depressed tried to commit suicide and is in very poor mental health, guess what the diabetes has returned. Medication for his mental health, poor diet and not enough exercise, is in my opinion, the cause of the return of diabetes type 2.
It's been a tough year with pneumonia and Bell's palsy to recover from. I try to control his diet as much as possible but it is so hard.

So the effects of the depression and the medication for depression and psychosis has caused the type 2.

I'm sorry he sufferred so much. I hope he improves soon. You are a very kind person and probably a good nurse.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Not being on holiday....
I have had type 1 for 42 years and diagnozed with coeliacs disease and later Bile Acid Malabsorption and the medical profession stated these are chronic illnesses and the more you have the more likely you are to suffer from depression.
I started suffering with depression at a similar time as coeliacs was diagnozed about 8 years ago.
I still suffer and i have noticed the older i'm getting the effects are harder to cope with despite medication.

Apologies if i sound gloomy i'm not at the moment as i'm mad busy making wooden reindeer for charity which is amazing therapy.

Kindest regards and good luck and Merry Christmas to you all.

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