
  1. I

    Has anyone experienced major emotional changes since being diagnosed

    Hi. I was diagnosed with type 1 Diabetes 4 years ago and have been managing it with Apidra and Abasaglar injections and in the last couple of years using Libre sensors. I feel that I am managing the condition OK although sometimes I have periods where it's more difficult. Before being diagnosed...
  2. S

    Scared and don’t know what to do

    Hi, I’m really upset and scared. I posted quite some time ago about worrying night blood sugars and struggles with mental health. I’ve been under a MH team and I’ve been put on 2 medications for anxiety and depression. I’m also on a Stantin, 2 tablets for diabetes and vitamin d3. I’ve had to...
  3. lmzxox

    Awaiting further tests and blood sugars are low

    I’m awaiting further testing for. Diabetes and in the meantime I am still monitoring my blood sugars with my agamatrix blood machine which I had during my pregnancy. Today I’ve had two readings below 3.8 and this is once before my evening meal and two hours after my evening meal. I’m awaiting...
  4. C

    Extreme depression/burnout

    Hi I am really struggling at the moment. I have been trying to communicate my concerns with my doctors for so long I’ve lost all hope or fight to look after myself at all. I really struggle with MDI due to complex mental health issues and I know a pump would take away some of that struggle...
  5. C

    Depression and Diabetes

    Hi Guys, I have never posted in one of these forums before but I have been having a rough time recently and I just feel so lonely dealing with diabetes most of the time that I thought I'd try and see if anyone else is interested in what I have to say. Does anyone find that you can go through...
  6. Lamont D

    Getting out of bed!

    I woke up yesterday morning, looked at the ceiling, I needed the toilet as usual, steadily I rolled out of bed to sit up, stretching and went about my morning routine before going down, putting the kettle on and making me and the wife a nice cuppa. As I turned on the television, let the dog into...
  7. H

    High blood sugars

    I seem to be having high blood sugars on a evening going up to 30. There should be no reason for this as I’m giving 20 plus units for my evening meal even when that much is not needed. I was wondering if anyone had any ideas I’m 20 years old, I take 46 units of tresiba each evening before bed...
  8. S

    Fed up with diabetes, headaches etc

    I am in a bad way, stopped taking my medication and insulin. Too much stress where I live, been shielding 16 weeks not seen anyone, realised online friends are exactly that! Has anybody else felt like this and if so how did you deal with it.
  9. C

    Accepting Diabetes in my life

    Hello everyone, I am new here and i would like to share my experience with Diabetes Type 1 with you and hopefully get some advise. Since I was diagnosed i never had any friends or any acquaintance really that also has diabetes so I never spoke with anyone on a regular basis that had the same...
  10. P


    Anybody else feeling really lonely? It's something I struggle with alot and even moreso given the current situation. Had a bit of a disagreement with a friend today too which has added fuel to the fire. What's everyone doing to keep themselves occupied?
  11. T

    Diabetes and short term depression

    A few months back I started working for the NHS on a training program as a step towards becoming a male nurse, my aspiration since I was admitted to hospital in 2010 with ketosis and a new found diagnosis of Type 1 diabetes. Since beginning my new career, I’ve had four 12.5 hour shifts per week...
  12. L

    Recently diagnosed with Type 1 and feeling depressed

    Hi everyone, I'm Lini. I'm 25 years old from Australia. I've never posted on a forum like this before but am seeking a bit of help coming to terms with my diagnosis. I got diagnosed with Type 1 earlier this year and haven't been handling it very well. It was so unexpected. I live such a...
  13. S

    Libido vanished/relationship problems

    hi there, I’ve been diagnosed type 2 for just over 2 years and since my diagnosis have totally lost my sex drive. This is now severely affecting my 5 year relationship and causing problems. I’m at my wits end with anxiety and also pressure to perform. I started on viagra age 52, 3 years before...
  14. C

    Type 1 Parent concerns

    Hi. I am new to forum and unlike many parents who post here my child is no longer a child but a grown adult. Despite this my worries about her are greater than ever since she moved out. She is struggling with depression caused by the everyday struggle with type1 diabetes and now I feel totally...
  15. M

    Mental Health article - not just physical

    I was trying to post a comment on this article, but gave up in despair. (ironic). Anyway, this is what I wanted to say: Well... at least there is a recognition now that the physical can impact the mental and vice versa. though we are a long way away from parity of esteem. My Type 1 went...
  16. bumblebee95

    Is it too late? I am losing hope (triggers)

    Hi, I am 24 and i have had diabetes for 15 years. I have spent 11 of these years abusing my body by cutting out insulin and having frequent DKA episodes. I have depression and diabulimia and these I am trying to get help for. I feel a crippling amount of guilt and shame regarding what i have...
  17. SlimLizzy

    Need help, kick up the *** or something. Potted history

    Diagnosed PreDiabetic end July 2018, panicked at first, then found Carbs and Cals book. Did well with diet initially, aiming for 100 carb a day. Thought I had it cracked:smug:, then discovered was losing too much weight. :meh: Am 1.67m tall. Weight fell from 56.8kg down to 50kg, still...
  18. Redcadence

    Pleased with Latest Results

    I had my first review of my bloods after being diagnosed in early September. I was at 103 but now I'm at 66! Not where it needs to be but I'm very happy with where I'm at so far. I've been playing a bit fast and lose with my diet, mostly just cutting down on carbs, and I had a horrid time with...
  19. N

    Feeling Hopeless!

    I am 22 years old and have had type 1 diabetes for 11 years, the past few weeks i seem to be really anxious of getting complications, i haven't had the best control in 11 years but im trying now and i just keep thinking its too late to reverse any damage and this is causing me extreme anxiety...
  20. K

    Diabetes 1 And Depression + Antidepressants

    Hey guys, How common is depression for you who have Diabetes 1? Experience with antidepressants? When do you know that antidepressants might be the only solution to diabetes 1 depression? I have been having low and high blood sugar peaks and also weight gain. This is probably due to my...