Diabetic diet for weight gain ?


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ps I had a weight lifting martial arts expert former partner, always interested in gaining and losing weight in order to be in the right weight class in competitions.

For rapid weight gain he swore by milkshakes. And those flavoured protein shakes you can get in health food stores, supermarkets, and pharmacies.

Do such shakes fit in the diet plan suggested by your MIL's diabetes team I wonder? (A good thing to share with readers?)
she's been told she dosn't need them !
I've given her a huge tub of this https://www.nuzest.co.uk/products/clean-lean-protein?variant=32628685307992 as low on crabs but good nutrititional profile as other metrics need to be in the mix too. She does drink aroind 4-5 glasses of milk a day which is the dietician's reason for not recommending shakes - you can't make this up

There is also the possibility that weight loss is via a different mechanism. Until her BS is under control this isn' t being looked at.
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Type of diabetes
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How do people find dietician advice for diabetes?
MIL is simply having insulin dosage increased, BS are still often above 15 - is there any decent dietary advice on NHS?