

Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
my kidneys are working at 24 percent at the moment which is bad is their something i can do to prevent them from getting worse


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
hypos and forum bugs
Hi @henrysxxxx and welcome to the DCUK forums.

I'm sorry your kidneys aren't working well, but am pretty sure that you still need to eat and drink just to stay alive. Are you getting help from your GP or a kidney specialist?

The national kidney foundation have an article here that may be helpful

they also have a helpline 0800 169 0936.

I don't have personal experience of extremely reduced kidney function, but I do know other members here do. Tagging @Ushthetaff who I believe has just started dialysis.

Sending you virtual hugs and once more, welcome.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Mountain out of mole hill makers ,queues , crowds , shopping on a Saturday hmm just shopping I guess no matter what day it is
Kidney function is a strange one in my experience , I had a kidney function of about 25% for years and never ever felt any bad effects , over the years my function has eventually come down under 10 % ( last reading I had was 8% ) ,
i was at the renal clinic every 6 months which reduced to every 3 weeks as my function decayed
with regard food and drink there are certain things t avoid I suppose for me coffee was the main one , depending how much urine your passing will probably determine if you need to restrict your fluid intake , personally I have never has a problem passing urine as a matter of fact my mate says I’m full of it lol don’t think that’s a compliment though hehe. the one thing my specialist was keeping* an eye on was my potassium levels as poor kidney function can really affect p them . I am assuming you are under the renal specialist if not then I would advise a trip to the docs to get referred,
I never felt ill until my kidney function went below 10 % then I felt tired and struggled to walk any distance as I had cramping in my legs,I’ve been on dialysis for about 4 weeks now , to be honest it’s not a bad or uncomfortable thing to go through, you become part of a new “ family” where everyone is in the same boat . It’s 4 hrs a day 3 times a week , to be honest for me I enjoy it I see new people and get conversation , which seeing as I’m a carer for my partner with dementia it’s comes as a welcome break. Witch regard what to do I would say like everything try to stay fit , follow a relatively healthy diet ad try to keep positive it helps so much, personally I never ever worry , in that respect I’m lucky as my mother worries for the entire world . There is plenty of help for poor kidney function and following the advice they give you will help immensely , good luck and try not to get too stressed as it certainly doesn’t help


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
thats is brilliant info hope u are well to day my kidney function was 31 jumped down 27 now 24 functing i wonder is their anything i can do to stop it going lower im eating and drinking as normal thank u


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
thats is brilliant info hope u are well to day my kidney function was 31 jumped down 27 now 24 functing i wonder is their anything i can do to stop it going lower im eating and drinking as normal thank u
What is your blood glucose like during the day?
Keeping BG as close to a normal range as possible could be of help, but you might be doing this already?
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