Dizziness during hypo


For the past few days, I have started feeling dizziness during mid-morning and mid-afternoon time when my sugar levels are little low.

I take 12 units of humalog mix in the morning and 6-8 units of humalog simple in the afternoon.

Does anyone else feel the same condition? Why it is happening? Is this a side effect of insulin? Is there anyway to avoid it? Because it happens during my office hours and it feels awkward.

Any feedback would be highly appreciable.


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Dizziness can be a hypo symptom.

When you say your blood sugar is a "little low" are you actually hypo?

Have you been given guidence on how to treat hypos?

Hypos are caused by too much insulin, either too much insulin to deal with the food or too much insulin because exercise or stress or illnes has made your body decide to use the insulin super efficiently. Youre on a mixed insulin so you need to understand how many carbs and when you should be eating them to deal with that.
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Dizziness can be a hypo symptom.

When you say your blood sugar is a "little low" are you actually hypo?

Have you been given guidence on how to treat hypos?

Hypos are caused by too much insulin, either too much insulin to deal with the food or too much insulin because exercise or stress or illnes has made your body decide to use the insulin super efficiently. Youre on a mixed insulin so you need to understand how many carbs and when you should be eating them to deal with that.

Little low means when my sugar levels are between 60-70 and it is the time when my hands start shaking and I take some snacks to restore my sugar to normal levels.


Retired Moderator
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Hypos, rude people, ignorance and grey days.
Hello @Zohaib yes this is a side effect of going low, you need to go back to your team to review your insulin doses as your taking too much insulin, alternatively you need to increase your carb intake, you need to treat with quick acting glucose so a sugary drink, but as its happening at work I would seek support on this as soon as possible ;)
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Type 1
Why it is happening?

When your sugars drop that low, your body has a bit of a panic attack and responds by kicking out a lot of adrenalin and cortisol to make the liver release stored glucose to help bring you back up. It's the adrenalin which makes you shake, feel dizzy etc. It's like people who've had a fright, been in a car accident. They're often buzzing a bit from the sudden release of adrenalin putting them in fight or flight mode.