Do I need to phone 111


Active Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Non-insulin injectable medication (incretin mimetics)
Thanks everyone for advice and comment, just wanted to update you all.
I saw my gp, a different doctor I’ve never met. She’s check my urine sample and ketones are there but not as high as what mine was showing - I’m having to test ketones daily to ensure it’s not going up. She gave me some on prescription.
She saw how clammy I was, my heart rate wasn’t great but she said it could be the anxiety and being at the gp……she’s put me on the sick and said to rest. Like others have said it could be type 1 or she thinks I have a virus which is attacking my already low immune systems and that’s why blood sugars are sky high.
She’s also asked about my pains which I’ve had for months and they got worse - she applied pressure on areas and said it’s likely fibromyalgia but wants a blood test to rule out any other possibilities. And she happy I’ve got my hospital appointment Tuesday with the diabetes team - first time going.

I’m still feeling really unwell, but not stressing as much as I was since seeing the doctor and I haven’t phone them asap if o get worse or 111/999 if out of hours and need urgent care.


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Thanks for the update @Soph895
Sorry you are still feeling unwell but glad you got lucky with the GP, hopefully things will improve for you and you get some answers, being less stressed and anxious can only be a good thing. Take care