type 2

  1. S

    Confused Newbie

    Hi, this is my first post on this forum. I had gestational diabetes when pregnant with my daughter who is now four. It was diet controlled throughout. My annual tests were all fine until this year when my fasting BG came back at 8.9 a couple of weeks ago. I only got bloods taken for a HbA1c...
  2. O

    Massive Blood Sugar Rise After Quitting Alcohol From Being A Very Heavy Drinker

    Hi, I am a 54 year old male, diagnosed with type 2 around 15 years ago. At one point early on I managed with carb reduction and intermittent fasting to reverse the diabetes to a prediabetic level, despite being a pretty heavy drinker. I reduced my metformin to once per day. Over the past 18...
  3. B

    Feeling very scared and lonely

    I was diagnosed with type 2 around 6 weeks ago. My Gp prescribed 1000mg Metformin slow release. I like to be on the ball in everything I do so I bought a sugar monitor straight away I test around 3 times a day or if I feel iffy. For the last 3 days my sugars have been low under 5 my lowest...
  4. S

    Do I need to phone 111

    I’m type 2 taking one alogliptin and another tablet which I can’t remember on top of my head. 6 weeks ago doctor reffered me to diabetes clinic as numbers are high and said I may need a different medication like insulim I’ve been using freestyle libre to monitor and my numbers are around...
  5. S

    Confused, upset and want to give up

    I was diagnosed t2 a while back. I posted a couple of weeks ago about my mental health and having to A&E with pancreatitis. My doctor (if I can call him that) phoned me yesterday saying from my blood tests my blood sugar levels are too high which I’m already on 2 medications for. He said he has...
  6. Z

    T2 controlled with diet question

    Hi everyone. I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes last year at the age of 38. I have probably had it for a while, as 18 months before I was referred to opthalmology with a microaneurysm in each eye. I had an hba1c test at that time but was mistakenly told my results were normal. I've been...
  7. H

    New member from Los Angeles

    I have been sampling diabetes.co.uk and enjoyed the post. I have type 2 diabetes for the last 20 years. The uk appears to be further ahead than the U.S. in providing a more common sense approach in control the disease.
  8. S

    Anyone with Rheumatoid Arthritis - who became T2 - or was already?

    I’ve been living with pre-diabetes for 2 decades. Lucky not to develop Rheumatoid arthritis, an auto-immune disease, until now! Awaiting confirmation of diagnosis of RA. Tested for my HBA1c, which has gone up to 50 (like my age ) and GP told me once another test confirmed that HBA1c, they would...
  9. L

    Possibly misdiagnosed as type 1?

    I was diagnosed as type one in June 2023 when I went to urgent care for an abscess, I had high blood sugar and was in DKA and ended up being in resus and admitted to hospital for a few days. I’ve been following my treatment since then. Yesterday I had my first appointment with a diabetes...
  10. L

    Awaiting results

    Good evening Everyone, Feeling very anxious and thought it might help to talk. I've been peeing a lot and feeling sick over the last few days. I had a blood test for diabetes on Friday and am now waiting for the results, due by Tuesday. Since my test I've cut out sugar and reduced my carbs. I...
  11. M

    Is it peripheral neuropathy or not?

    I have not been able to ascertain and am trying to find some answers. In 1997 I was diagnosed as a pre-diabetic with borderline Cholesterol issues. I was given some medication (they were Lipitor and Januvia as far as I can remember). I only took one dose and decided to try to make lifestyle...
  12. B

    Young, type 2 and on insulin. Confusion! Please help!

    Hello all! This is my first post and really I’m just wanting to share my story, see if there is anyone on here who has a similar story to mine or has any ideas which might help. It’s a bit of a story but I’ll try and keep it shortish! I’m 37 now but was 32 when I moved across the country and...
  13. B

    Type 2 diabetic for 23 years

    Hi, I am a Type 2 diabetic for 23 years. However, for the last 2 plus years, I am managing my Type 2 diabetes with the right food, exercise, and yoga. I am willing to share my experience with anyone hoping it will help them
  14. W

    Type 1 How likely is this?

    I just want to figure out some stuff to do with my medical problems and a question came into my head. I wanted to post on here to see if maybe I could get some answers. (I will probably be posting this on other forums, just incase you see it again somewhere else). I have Type 1 diabetes...
  15. ~Nattie~

    Just sharing my story/looking for similar stories

    Hi everyone, just looking to join the community, and find some friends who share my condition I suppose. Feeling lonely as I know no one in my real life with diabetes. My story starts when I was about 12, when I hit puberty basically. I began having extreme low blood sugars, which I would...
  16. M

    Unexpected hypo at night, can't work out why?

    Hi. I've been type 2 for 20 years and am currently taking Gliclazide and Metformin. Last night my blood sugar dropped considerably and quite quickly for no reason I can think of. It resulted in me waking up in the night and realising I was having a hypo! At 10pm my reading was high at 15 mmol/L...
  17. V

    Libre sensor prescription for type 2 non insulin

    Hi, I've seen a few posts regarding getting the libre sensor on prescription, so I'm trying to get some advice. My mother is almost 90 and has been type 2 for over 40 years and always well controlled with medication. Until June this year when we were told that her meds would be changed...
  18. D

    Type 2 diabetes risk linked to troubled sleep

    Hello folks, I've just read about a new study by the University of South Australia, which has found a link between troubled sleep and Type 2 diabetes. They say that there are about one million adults in Australia with Type 2 diabetes, and over 422 million worldwide. In their study, they found...
  19. J

    Newly diagnosed type 2 on 23rd August 2022

    Hi all, I am aged 31 and it was a shock to be diagnosed with an A1C of 70mmol and a second of 65mmol a short time after. The second test was because I had no symptoms. I have never posted hear but I have been reading lots on the forum. After taking action straight away and losing around 3...
  20. Cherlou

    Newbie :)

    Hi Everyone As you can see I'm new here. My name is Louisa I'm 44 years old, I'm married with 2 children a girl 13 and a boy of 7. My diabetic journey started when I was pregnant with my daughter Erin. I had to go to the hospital for a scan as the doctors thought I had polycystic ovaries. As...