Do you inject in public? and how organised are you


im the saim but iv goten yes to it the sters and that iv had some on calling me a junke but i exsplid to him wat it was he never hud of this condishon and it a part of lif i dont cer wat people think it keep me alive at the end of the day


I usually take my sharp boxes to the chemist for them to dispose, as for injecting in public, i block out the people around me. :)


Hi letteyc,
If you aint found yourself a funky lil bag to put all your diabetes gear in yet, id recommend that you start looking in the camera/camcorder bags section of say your local shop or even ebay lol as there is a never ending supply of camera bags in all shapes, styles, sizes & prices for you to choose from out there!
You do get specific diabetes bags to keep your stuff in, but generally speaking they do tend to be few & far between & expensive too! If you use an insulin pen or 2, as opposed to an insulin pump, then you don’t have any worries about having to keep your insulin cool as the insulin in a pen is designed to be stored & used, whilst in use, at room temperature!


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Yes I inject in public...only ever had problems once, in an M & S cafe where a woman told me it was disgusting "shooting up" like that....she then proceeded to flop out her breat and feed her baby in full view of everyone. Now she could ahve expressed milk, I can't take my insuling in advance of leaving home and I am not prepared to have to walk 5 minutes to the loo to inject. I was discreet enough, injecting through my tights into my thigh. the old lady on the next table stuck up for me though :)
I carry everything around, all the time...pens, testing equipement & dextrose tablets...

patrick hl

sorry new to this forum and couldn't help replying to this old thread. My feeling is that by going to the loo or somewhere private to inject, you're turning it into some thing to be ashamed of, your dirty little habit, which is absurd. Although I know you are not supposed to I always inject through my trousers into the fatty part of my thigh and never had any problems at all, people who see me have never exhibited anything other than mild interest. Patrick


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Anything healthy!
Just a quick question why are you not allowed to inject through trousers?


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Sarah69 said:
Just a quick question why are you not allowed to inject through trousers?

Hi Sarah,

Well for one thing it will blunt the needle, modern needles are very fine so injecting through clothing could make the injection more painful than it needs to be. The clothes we wear also pick up bacteria, injecting through these items will contaminate the needle before it enters the skin, not very hygienic and could cause site infections.

There are people like Duranie who inject through clothing and get away with it without incident, I prefer to keep things sterile and not take the risks......... but each to their own.


I tried this once (injecting through my trousers) after my DB nurse suggested it. Went in just above the knee and I could barely stand afterwards. Never again.


Well-Known Member
The clothes we wear also pick up bacteria,
Yes, but your skin will have been in contact with the fabric so I'm not sure how effective that will be. Besides, Dr Bernstein even has tips on how to remove the blood stains (hydrogen peroxide) so it has to be OK, right?


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AMBrennan said:
The clothes we wear also pick up bacteria,
Yes, but your skin will have been in contact with the fabric so I'm not sure how effective that will be. Besides, Dr Bernstein even has tips on how to remove the blood stains (hydrogen peroxide) so it has to be OK, right?

So does Dr Bernstein say it's OK to inject through clothing?

patrick hl

I work out doors in pretty dirty environments , but its good clean dirt!, never had a problem injecting through my trousers in 5 years. For me its part of being in control of my diabetes rather than it in control of me.


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patrick hl said:
I work out doors in pretty dirty environments , but its good clean dirt!, never had a problem injecting through my trousers in 5 years. For me its part of being in control of my diabetes rather than it in control of me.

Not sure why injecting through trousers would be seen as ''being in control of my diabetes'' :think: .......but if it works for you then that's all that matters! :)

patrick hl

Not sure why injecting through trousers would be seen as ''being in control of my diabetes'' :think: .......but if it works for you then that's all that matters! :)

For me its a case of not letting it dominate my life, going off to the bathroom to secretly inject into my stomach is just a bit of a fag.Patrick


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patrick hl said:
For me its a case of not letting it dominate my life, going off to the bathroom to secretly inject into my stomach is just a bit of a fag.Patrick

Of course it's best if we don't let diabetes dominate our lives but I didn't quite get how injecting through trousers meant you were in control. No-one should feel they need to go to the bathroom to secretly inject, after all we are not doing anything illegal or something to be ashamed about.
I always inject into my belly in public and haven't had any remarks from strangers yet… Just lift my top enough to see where to put the needle and then let it drop when in. I like to think its pretty discreet, the only people that have noticed and said something are new friends that might not have known I'm diabetic!

Basal normally goes in my bum in the morning and this has only been a problem when flying. I normally go to the toilet to do it then but this one time there was bad turbulence so toilet was a no no. I managed to get a sneeky injection in the fatty bit below my hip without anyone noticing!

Paul J

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all the things i should have.....well some anyway
ANYTIME,ANYPLACE,ANYWHERE is the right place, (As said by the Martini people )however, I dont go out to offend and try to be disceet, but I will never inject in any public toilet anywhere,


if I've got a thin layer of clothes on, I just go through them (only if dark coloured in case I bleed). So sit at my desk and jab through my work trousers. This won't be possible if you have a tiny needle though. Mine's 8mm long. There's probably new guidance that says injecting through clothes is a no no, but it suits me and I haven't had any problems to date.

Re: carrying stuff around. I have a small cotton bag that came as a christmas present with some smellies in it. just pop the bag in my regular handbag and it makes finding everything much easier. It has got a bit grubby, so will go looking for a pencil case today.
I inject in public all the time, never had any qualms about it. Only takes a few seconds and sure sometimes people look but its just curiosity and i'll always be happy to explain what it is i'm doing......I would never, never ever inject in a public toilet if people don't like it they can look away. Life with type 1 diabetes is difficult enough without having to hide away when out in public.


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I find it a problem to inject in public and i would never do it because i am too self conscious and it is no body's business that i am diabetic.

Probably its not the best way how to go about it. Yesterday for example i had a corporate dinner to attend to. i injected my Byetta probably too early and i did not test my BS before the meal or after two hours. I did resist the pudding though but not the cheese board. And as for drinks well i was having martini with lemonade which were bought for me so i did not ask whether the lemonade was sugar free or not.

i dont want to have to explain myself to everyone...maybe i am ashamed or something and i do not want anyone pity...


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I too have no problems injecting in public.

If people have a problem with it I will happily argue the case. My favorite incident was in a fast food restaurant. I ate my food, and injected. In the 10-20 seconds I was injecting a pompous biggot of a woman stood up and pronounced that she thought "It was not appropriate for me to do that sort of thing in public in front of children".

My response, and it is to date my finest hour, was "Would you rather I dropped dead in public instead"
She made an expected high and mighty type pose and stomped off. The staff of the establishment came and appologised to me.

The real kicker is that the aforementioned bigot left for the rest room to releive herself leaving her children alone. Her (I estimate) 8 year old son engaged me in conversation wanting to know what I had been doing and why.
The young lad was so much more intelligent and open then his mother and I REALLY hope that he remains that way despite the, aleged, parental influence.

My take on it all. Inject in public and educate where you can. The law of averages is that you will run into someone that you will have an effect on and your simple act of not hiding will save a life.

But that is just my opinion.
