Dont understand this....

Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
hmmm, getting more like a dating app
Recently been told am type 2, and came as a big shock cause nobody in my blood family has it!!! am very angry at mo, i only thought very overweight and lazy people developed it , am a skinny rake and walk at least 9 miles a day in my job"!"!"" in my booklets have been getting, they say loose weight and excise more???? Have cut out all forms of fizzy drinks, dont have any added sugar no more in tea or coffee....gone on to brown bread and chucked away the danish butter for pro active spread..(robbing buggers) £1 dearer than my butter!!!...Anyway, after 3 days of so-called healthy eating my sugar level readings were 15,13 and 16, so i thought, sod this!!! so next day had 3 crumpets layered in butter, went and got 4 sausage rolls and 2 sandwiches for work, had fish and chips from chippie for tea, and 2 bars of yorkie bars through the evening...went to bed, woke up next morning and took my blood sugar reading.........6.7..... what is going on?


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Hi. As you are skinny it is quite likely that you aren't T2 but Late onset T1 (LADA) as I am and quite a few others who were mis-diagnosed are. I was skinny at diagnosis and labelled T2. Be prepared to challenge your diagnosis and ask for a GAD test to check for anti-bodies. The fact that you woke up with only 6.7 may be because there was a very long period between the feast and your test. It is quite likely that you will need to go onto medication. This usually includes Metformin which helps with insulin resistance but if you are LADA you may well need additional tablets such as Gliclazide. For food, do reduce all carbs not just sugar. Proteins, fats (yes), veg and non-tropical fruit are fine so do go back to butter!


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Daibell could well be right and you are in fact LADA. However there are some skinny T2's who are 'fat on the inside' around their organs - visceral fat.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
I feel your pain - I'm not overweight either. Just diagnosed also - with similar fasting results. I've also dumped carbs - sugar etc I'm just annoyed you got 6.7 when my lowest is 8.4.

I guess we're all different and respond to foods differently. Which is why we need to keep an eye on our sugar levels to better understand how they affect us.

We can't ignore this issue - well we can if we want to get into a pine box early. So no point being angry - accept it and get on with controlling it.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi and welcome

I am sorry about your diagnosis. It comes as a nasty shock to us all.

i only thought very overweight and lazy people developed it

That is a fallacy perpetrated by uninformed journalists and judgemental people, who are (unsurprisingly) usually slim.
Hopefully, as you learn more about all the different types of D there are, you will find out quite how wrong it is. And why.

If you are type 2 then dietary control is key, but testing for morning fasting levels won't tell you what your reactions to individual portions and individual foods are. You need to be testing before food and 2 hours later. Then adjust your food in the future if your blood glucose has risen too high.

Testing fasting levels is a good idea to indicate your general control (with several limitations), but it won't do much to help you tailor your diet to your individual needs.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Not sure you should label us T2's as fat and lazy though, yes i was overweight, but by no means lazy! Sorry but that just seems a bit harsh.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hi @grimsby-kipper and welcome to the forum. The diagnosis is a big shock for us all. It does take a bit of time to get your head around it all. The condition can be controlled though, and if you read the threads on here you will see that a lot of people have done that with a Low Carbohydrate High Fat approach to eating. And that means you can eat your Danish Butter (I do).
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
I spent many years saying "I don't understand this...." The thing I didn't understand was why I kept putting on weight no matter what I did. Think yourself lucky that you are slim.
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Diet only
Tripe and Onions
The medical term for this is "MONW," or metabolically obese normal weight, which I prefer to refer to as being a skinny fat person. It means you are under lean but over fat -- not enough muscle and too much fat (especially belly fat). It seems it is better to be fat and fit than thin and out of shape.

While we know that 68 percent of the American population is overweight, and that most have diabesity -- being somewhere on the continuum of pre-diabetes to Type 2 diabetes -- the shocking news from a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association is that nearly 1 in 4 skinny people have pre-diabetes and are "metabolically obese."

What's worse is that if you are a skinny fat person and get diagnosed with diabetes, you have twice the risk of death than if you are overweight when diagnosed with diabetes. Perhaps having that extra muscle on your body from having to carry around those extra pounds protects you.

From here
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Those extra pounds can help protect women against osteoporosis too as they do weight bearing exercises every time they move. :) I'd still rather be slim though. :)
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
hmmm, getting more like a dating app
Hi. As you are skinny it is quite likely that you aren't T2 but Late onset T1 (LADA) as I am and quite a few others who were mis-diagnosed are. I was skinny at diagnosis and labelled T2. Be prepared to challenge your diagnosis and ask for a GAD test to check for anti-bodies. The fact that you woke up with only 6.7 may be because there was a very long period between the feast and your test. It is quite likely that you will need to go onto medication. This usually includes Metformin which helps with insulin resistance but if you are LADA you may well need additional tablets such as Gliclazide. For food, do reduce all carbs not just sugar. Proteins, fats (yes), veg and non-tropical fruit are fine so do go back to butter!
oh heck, liking idea of going back to butter..i have second desmond class tomo, to be honest i was just looking at reducing sugar levels in food and not bothering with the carb and fat contents?
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
I would do the Desmond course and then report back here for better advice! Daibell is right you need to look at the total carb content of foods not just the 'of which sugars' . It's up to you whether you trust the professionals dietary advice or the advice of people who live with diabetes. To help you decide my GP told me he has 304 diabetic patients and my HbA1c is the best of all of them. I have never done a Desmond course, thankfully I was never offered one.

There is a low carb program here too. which may be useful to you.
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Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Tripe and Onions
Those extra pounds can help protect women against osteoporosis too as they do weight bearing exercises every time they move. :) I'd still rather be slim though. :)

As would I though I have lost over three stone there's more to do any way I'm T2 mainly because of long term steroid medication..

I would also add that three days of "healthy eating" is not long enough to show much of a difference but when you have had BG readings in the double figures going on a food "bender" is not a sensible choice and could put you in the hospital.


Type of diabetes
Type 1
My brother is type 2 on insulin uses lurpak butter reading are between 6-10 Dr congratulationed on for getting his cholesterol down to 2.8 he has about 22 stone now over 17
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
hmmm, getting more like a dating app
I would do the Desmond course and then report back here for better advice! Daibell is right you need to look at the total carb content of foods not just the 'of which sugars' . It's up to you whether you trust the professionals dietary advice or the advice of people who live with diabetes. To help you decide my GP told me he has 304 diabetic patients and my HbA1c is the best of all of them. I have never done a Desmond course, thankfully I was never offered one.

There is a low carb program here too. which may be useful to you.
thanks for the link i will try it.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
oh heck, liking idea of going back to butter..i have second desmond class tomo, to be honest i was just looking at reducing sugar levels in food and not bothering with the carb and fat contents?
Sugar = carbs, and all carbs matter when you're trying to reduce your glucose levels, as they all turn to glucose inside you. The good news is that you're better eating pure unadulterated butter than all the pseudo low fat stuff. Fats and oils don't contain any (significant quantities of) carbs, so good fats and oils, in spite of what they may still be telling you on diabetic courses, are better included in diabetic diets than are high starchy and sugary foods.

With best wishes from Robbity, who is a fat, lazy, type 2, in spite of which she has currently reduced her glucose to low pre-diabetc levels. :D
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Well-Known Member
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I reversed my Type 2
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My brother is type 2 on insulin uses lurpak butter reading are between 6-10 Dr congratulationed on for getting his cholesterol down to 2.8 he has about 22 stone now over 17
A total cholesterol of 2.8 does not sound healthy to me. It sounds way too low.


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Do push hard for a GAD antibodies test. If you were LADA, you would need insulin eventually, and one clinical approach is that the sooner you start, the longer you can preserve your residual insulin function, thereby avoiding ever progressing to high insulin doses.
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