Effects of Stevia Leaf on blood glucose


Well-Known Member
United Kingdom
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi Everyone,

It's been a while since I have been here. All good with regards to my fasting regime and associated benefits though had to get wisdom tooth extracted a while back and that caused some upheaval with my BG levels for a short while.

Anyway, recently one of my friend went to Morocco and while coming back thoughtfully got some dried stevia leaves for me. Out of curiousity, I prepared a tea just with one tablespoon of those leaves in 500ml of water which I had just after my meal. Now normally at this point the surge in my blood glucose is expected but it stays elevated for about 2 hrs even with my long walks. However this time I saw a drop within 40 minutes.(I have attached one such graph)


I then repeated this in mornings, evenings and with meals on eating days and it was consistently similar drop in 40 to 45 minutes.

Just to test the theory I then tried after including corn on the COB and a slice of sourdough bread and yet again drop was right there.

I searched on net and while there is some study on the leaves, the information is very scant and search results mostly turn up stevia sweetener rather than the organic stevia leaf.

From whatever little I managed to find on net, it seems some studies indicate that stevia leaf does help in reducing insulin resistance and better gut health. Another place mentioned it enables more insulin production. Whatever it is, my numbers are definitely impacted positively and reduce the impact of Dawn Phenomena.

This then brings me to following two questions:

1. Has anyone else here tried Stevia leaf tea and observed similar trends.
2. Is anyone aware of any downside to consuming tea made directly from dried stevia leaf and if so what.
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