Experts Say High Cholesterol Does Not Cause Heart Disease


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Diet only
Experts Say High Cholesterol Does Not Cause Heart Disease

Not sure if this has been cited elsewhere:

Major quote from the expert reviewers: “in our analysis of three major reviews, that claim the cholesterol hypothesis is indisputable and that statin treatment is an effective and safe way to lower the risk of CVD, we have found that their statements are invalid, compromised by misleading statistics, by exclusion of unsuccessful trials, by minimizing the side effects of cholesterol lowering, and by ignoring contradictory observations from independent investigators.”



Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Poor grammar, bullying and drunks.
While I have yet to look at the links within the piece, on the surface I think this article just reinforces what we already know and that is that evidence to support statin treatment was manipulated, that benefit was exaggerated and that evidence on the risk/severity of side effects was minimised.
The whisper is becoming a cry.

Bananas 2

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I've seen several studies references here and there about this. Also, from several doctors that high-carb and fast-carb diets have a stronger correlation. Also mentioned was the high insulin response (even in non diabetics) to these high/fast carbs was also a contributing factor to arteriosclerosis, atherosclerosis. This certain might explain the increasingly poor state of general health in the US -- shortening lifespan, coronary disease, etc...

Also, seems they have known this (about insulin) since the early '60's, at least (see reference below).
Now why would we be told otherwise as of late... hmmm.
there are more articles to be found if you search:

What does this mean for diabetics -- taking large amounts of fast-acting insulin to counter fast-acting carbs, so you can eat "normal" S.A.D. (Std American Diet), will get you, at best, the standard poor state of general health... or worse. So, low-carb and less insulin is the way to go...


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
While I have yet to look at the links within the piece, on the surface I think this article just reinforces what we already know and that is that evidence to support statin treatment was manipulated, that benefit was exaggerated and that evidence on the risk/severity of side effects was minimised.
The whisper is becoming a cry.
Its a report of the Uffe Ravnskov paper that has been reported on a few times.