I don't mean to presume that beef is unhealthy...more that the specific aspects of salmon that make it particularly healthy are not prominent in beef. That is the omega fat profile. Of course that raises the question of grass-fed beef vs corn fed beef, so if you want to compare products fairly, there's 2 beefs and 2 salmons.
I'm from eastern canada, and for me "Atlantic salmon" is what I eat, and sadly there is no wild fishery on this side of the ocean anymore. So it's farmed or nothing. Pacific salmon is much less available here.
Roggg, I think we'd all like to eat the "perfect" diet, to achieve "perfect" blood sugar numbers to live a "perfect" life.
I use the "" on the perfects there, because perfection doesn't exist in anything sustainable for weeks, months, years and decades. All manner of things get in the way.
Where I was soon after diagnosis, and still am on all this is that for me to sustain a decent (for my physical and meant health, and for those around me, diet, I have to have variety and I have to enjoy it. I have to be able to comfortably eat out as well as eat at home, so what that means is sometimes I have to compromise.
I'm in SE Asia at the moment, and for the last 2 months haven't cooked at all, and the only food prep has been for breakfast. Main meals have all been eaten out.
The principals,of the food here involve sweet, sour, salty, spicy and bitter. On that basis, almost anything I eat will have at least a bit of palm sugar in it. Of course, I'd prefer all those fabulous flavours without the sugar, but all it means is I manage the rest of my days eating to assume the sugar.
Has it impacted my A1c? No, or if anything by a shaving. My last result, about a week ago was 4.8% (28, if I recall).
So, I think the message is do your best, but enjoy it. There's no point seeking out a chap who will stand in an icy river all day to catch your wild salmon if it bankrupts you, so a compromise along the way is likely more sustainable.
We each place our bets in lid, hoping for a decent return for a modest risk. Sometimes it works out well, and sometimes less so.