First Post, but feel I need to tell you some stuff!


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My bad, I see that you wrote that you were diagnosed 2-weeks ago, if I may make a suggestion, IMO it is too difficult to determine the optimum diet for you at such an early stage. First, you have to adjust your life long eating habits and that is difficult task and second this is a life long commitment and just like a marathon you have to take small steps to get to the end.

My suggestion, would be for the next two months eat your normal diet with four changes. First, practice portion control, journal ALL your food with an app like mynetdiary or others, establish a consistent carbohydrate level for every meal and stick to that and lastly test your BG constantly and keep a record.

The consistent carbohydrate level would that you would pick 1 to 4 servings of carbos per meal and then adjust your calories around them. Out of Hospital I was told to eat 2-servings of carbos per meal - that is 30g per meal and a total of 90g per day.

I didn't go out to eat for 3-months and I was surprised at then when at first the portions looked so small that a 3.5oz of fish looked huge.

Sent from Runner2009 Burt


hi and thanks for your replies, yes I do check my blood, certainly not as regular as that as I really dont feel the need to, I did when I first started on the diet and exercise, but really no longer feel the need. 2 hours after meals is what I normally do now and I have never been outside the ranges of 80 - 115 mg/dl (4.7 -6.3 mmol/l). A HbA1c latest result of 5.3

As for the same meals, well to be honest, yes I suppose it could get boring if you dont have the imagination to change it up a little for yourself. You can eat egg, fish, chicken, beef, pork, veggies of all types, salad and lots of beans and lentils. And as long as you dont deep fat fry em, cook em how you want!

As I said, this really isn't advice I am giving here, I am just saying what has worked for me, if you feel you wanna give it a try and see if it works for you, then crack on, otherwise, dont bother and good luck with whatever works for you!
Thank you for sharing always like hearing what different methods work for everyone ......


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The link you pointed out is basically Dr. Bernstein's diet, minus the Tomatoes and DB's diet is 6g and 12g of carbs for certain meals. TF's diet would not have you eating the dairy and not endless amounts avocado.

Lots of people have success with this diet. My only suggestion is that for long term weight control one has to get portion control ( calorie intake ) under control. I believe with individual variation based upon genetics and nutrients, one cannot suspend the basic laws of thermodynamics.

Sent from Runner2009 Burt


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Hi Zand
What kind of things would you be eating for breakfast lunch and dinner
I was diagnosed 2 weeks ago and have cut. Almost all carbs out and trying to stay on a low calorie diet which is bad for me I think because I e just been reading about it and it says that if u cut ur carbs out you have to add Fat to get your energy or else you put your self in starvation mode so would help me if I knew what things other people would be having
My doc refers to LCHF as that silly diet and having lost 1 stone 10lbs I continue to ignore him. I eat poached egg and a sausage with some mushrooms most mornings. I eat full fat Greek yoghurt with a handful of blueberries or salami and cheese for lunch and my snack is usually a handful of nuts. My evening meal is very varied (to make up for my unexciting lunch and breakfast). Tonight I made Thai mussels , yesterday was chicken in a tarragon, brandy and cream with veggies. Since neither the doc nor the dn can explain why I should eat starchy carbs with every meal when carb turns to sugar in my stomach and raise my bs - the thing I have been given tablets to lower. Especially as I can get energy from fat! I intend to continue. Lol!
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I do not weigh anything or calorie count either....
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My doc refers to LCHF as that silly diet and having lost 1 stone 10lbs I continue to ignore him. I eat poached egg and a sausage with some mushrooms most mornings. I eat full fat Greek yoghurt with a handful of blueberries or salami and cheese for lunch and my snack is usually a handful of nuts. My evening meal is very varied (to make up for my unexciting lunch and breakfast). Tonight I made Thai mussels , yesterday was chicken in a tarragon, brandy and cream with veggies. Since neither the doc nor the dn can explain why I should eat starchy carbs with every meal when carb turns to sugar in my stomach and raise my bs - the thing I have been given tablets to lower. Especially as I can get energy from fat! I intend to continue. Lol!

Go @Scandichic ! :)
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Hi! How's it going? Still LCHF? New recipe for you! Bag of mussels from supermarket. Scrub and de beard them. Chuck out any which don't close when you tap them on the work surface. Melt some garlic butter in a big shallow pan. Add tin of coconut milk and 2 tbsp red Thai curry paste. Add mussels and mix well. Put on lid and set timer for about 6 mins. Check that they've all opened. Eat and share reluctantly - if you have to! Lol!
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I do not weigh anything or calorie count either....

@Scandichic -

You are lucky, if I just eat without portion control, my waist just gets bigger. But I do think it is crazy that the docs still push the high carbs; though the ADA has now come about from all the pressure and basically said that the type of diet that is best is an individual thing. Here is a summary

I think that it has been forums such as this and the success of diabetics that has forced them to become more realistic I their recommendations

Sent from Runner2009 Burt


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Hi! How's it going? Still LCHF? New recipe for you! Bag of mussels from supermarket. Scrub and de beard them. Chuck out any which don't close when you tap them on the work surface. Melt some garlic butter in a big shallow pan. Add tin of coconut milk and 2 tbsp red Thai curry paste. Add mussels and mix well. Put on lid and set timer for about 6 mins. Check that they've all opened. Eat and share reluctantly - if you have to! Lol!

Hi @Scandichic

Going good, thank you. Still feeling well, alert and energetic. Except for discovering I was wearing 2 garments inside out when I went out for brunch today!! I put that down to being more blonde than diabetic!

Bathroom weigh-in tomorrow and am not too confident but am happy at the improvement in general wellbeing. Maybe I'm not tolerating the high fat, not drinking enough water or not exercising enough. Shan't give up

Thanks for the recipe - keep 'em coming. I gave your chicken casserole one to a non-diabetic friend today who's going LCHF as from tomorrow after hearing me rave about it!

How are you now.? Recovered from last week? x


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Hi @Scandichic

Going good, thank you. Still feeling well, alert and energetic. Except for discovering I was wearing 2 garments inside out when I went out for brunch today!! I put that down to being more blonde than diabetic!

Bathroom weigh-in tomorrow and am not too confident but am happy at the improvement in general wellbeing. Maybe I'm not tolerating the high fat, not drinking enough water or not exercising enough. Shan't give up

Thanks for the recipe - keep 'em coming. I gave your chicken casserole one to a non-diabetic friend today who's going LCHF as from tomorrow after hearing me rave about it!

How are you now.? Recovered from last week? x
You must drink loads - more than you are used to!
Remember you can plateau for a few weeks too.
Fingers crossed! X


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@Scandichic -

You are lucky, if I just eat without portion control, my waist just gets bigger. But I do think it is crazy that the docs still push the high carbs; though the ADA has now come about from all the pressure and basically said that the type of diet that is best is an individual thing. Here is a summary

I think that it has been forums such as this and the success of diabetics that has forced them to become more realistic I their recommendations

Sent from Runner2009 Burt
Would be interested to see what you eat! My hubbie is eating the same as me and he has had the same weight loss. Why don't we compare menus if you're interested?


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I'd love to compare and see your recipes. Like I've said I have not embraced the HF portion of the diet completely. I do have some good simple recipes. I am baking pork belly and sardines today. I will forward the recipe and pics later and see what you think. I can eat tons of stalky veggies with edamame hummus ( I'll post that recipe )

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For those who are having problems accepting the HF part of LCHF, you might find the following video helpful:

Turns out saturated fat in the context of a low carb diet is protective against heart disease!
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I'd love to compare and see your recipes. Like I've said I have not embraced the HF portion of the diet completely. I do have some good simple recipes. I am baking pork belly and sardines today. I will forward the recipe and pics later and see what you think. I can eat tons of stalky veggies with edamame hummus ( I'll post that recipe )

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Don't eat high,high fat. Just don't avoid it. For example, if I want something sweet or feel low in energy, I eat a small piece of cheese. Usually gets rid of sugar craving. Am attach my fave fish soup recipe.

400g cod
1 red pepper
1 yellow pepper
1 courgette
1 tbsp garlic butter
250 g cherry tomatoes (optional)
2 tins coconut milk
21/2 tbsp red Thai paste
Splash of chilli sauce
200g Philadelphia
Salt and pepper

Chop up the peppers and courgette and fry in the butter.
Add the coconut milk, the chilli sauce,the curry paste and seasoning.
Let it simmer for 5 minutes.
Add the Philadelphia, the tomatoes and the cod.
Simmer for 10 minutes.
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My bad, I see that you wrote that you were diagnosed 2-weeks ago, if I may make a suggestion, IMO it is too difficult to determine the optimum diet for you at such an early stage. First, you have to adjust your life long eating habits and that is difficult task and second this is a life long commitment and just like a marathon you have to take small steps to get to the end.

My suggestion, would be for the next two months eat your normal diet with four changes. First, practice portion control, journal ALL your food with an app like mynetdiary or others, establish a consistent carbohydrate level for every meal and stick to that and lastly test your BG constantly and keep a record.

The consistent carbohydrate level would that you would pick 1 to 4 servings of carbos per meal and then adjust your calories around them. Out of Hospital I was told to eat 2-servings of carbos per meal - that is 30g per meal and a total of 90g per day.

I didn't go out to eat for 3-months and I was surprised at then when at first the portions looked so small that a 3.5oz of fish looked huge.

Sent from Runner2009 Burt

Hi Runner
Im not sure what to do now lol I thought id been eating healthy the last few months before I was told I had diabetes again
I work 12 hours a day usually always on my feet and for breakfast id have 1 Weetabix with skimmed milk no sugar id drink tea first thing then only water lunch would be crisp bread with cottage cheese n beetroot or tomato then evening would be a normal dinner I think maybe my problem is when im on a diet I don't seem to eat enough its like im scared to and the body being the clever thing that it is stores the food so I don't lose weight
then I was told I was diabetic and I stopped eating carbs....bread potato rice, stopped butter don't like pasta or seafood and went on a low fat eating plan... for 2 weeks I haven't seen a lot of change in my blood sugar levels and I haven't lost any weight either, the other day I walked all the way to the chemist to get test strips which is an hour away sat on a bench on the way home to change my shoes got home to find id lost the strips lol must have left them on the bench then I walked all the way back to get more walked 16k that day and all I got was a blister on my foot lol and no weight loss I then saw ur post and the one that I asked you about and it said if im not having carbs then I need to substitute it with fat The only thing I am sure about is that its best I don't touch bread again as that s not good for me and shows when I test

forgot to add I really do appreciate all the advice your giving me its very interesting reading
and yes you do sound like a zen master lol laughing
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For those who are having problems accepting the HF part of LCHF, you might find the following video helpful:

Turns out saturated fat in the context of a low carb diet is protective against heart disease!

Thanks so much for posting this video its been very helpful and informative makes a lot of sense
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OK here is my simple broiled Sardine recipe:

- Whole Sardines scale and take out guts
- layout on pan sprinkled with sea salt
- lightly coat with olive oil - I use a little paint brush
- sprinkle with pepper, rosemary, salt
- bake at 350° f for 10 to 20 minutes
- put mixed greens on a plate
- scoop of edamame hummus


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Hi Runner
Im not sure what to do now lol I thought id been eating healthy the last few months before I was told I had diabetes again
I work 12 hours a day usually always on my feet and for breakfast id have 1 Weetabix with skimmed milk no sugar id drink tea first thing then only water lunch would be crisp bread with cottage cheese n beetroot or tomato then evening would be a normal dinner I think maybe my problem is when im on a diet I don't seem to eat enough its like im scared to and the body being the clever thing that it is stores the food so I don't lose weight
then I was told I was diabetic and I stopped eating carbs....bread potato rice, stopped butter don't like pasta or seafood and went on a low fat eating plan... for 2 weeks I haven't seen a lot of change in my blood sugar levels and I haven't lost any weight either, the other day I walked all the way to the chemist to get test strips which is an hour away sat on a bench on the way home to change my shoes got home to find id lost the strips lol must have left them on the bench then I walked all the way back to get more walked 16k that day and all I got was a blister on my foot lol and no weight loss I then saw ur post and the one that I asked you about and it said if im not having carbs then I need to substitute it with fat The only thing I am sure about is that its best I don't touch bread again as that s not good for me and shows when I test

forgot to add I really do appreciate all the advice your giving me its very interesting reading
and yes you do sound like a zen master lol laughing

Hi Mystery lady

Sounds like an adventure you had - except for the blisters.

This weight thing can be frustrating. For me I cannot judge anything or lose without journaling and counting calories.

I've found that often I will plateau and a small adjustment of food will start the losing again - small I mean like 25 to 50 calorie difference.

Once I stop, I can maintain for awhile but then I start creeping up in weight - it is happening right now.

If you can before each meal - don't laugh try do 1/2 minute of jumping jacks, 1/2 minute of wall pushups and 1/2 minute of squats.

Then eat and measure BG.

Again IMO exercise is about getting that heart rate up and breathing hard if you read about HIT one doesn't have to do it for long to gain benefits

You do of course have to take into consideration your own health and issues. I started slowly. I set a goal of walking 300miles total before I started pushing myself. I started out walking 20 to 30 miles a week - my daughter made a great playlist.

But, really start keeping a record of what you eat and calorie count to start and then I am sure you can figure it out and get where you want to go

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Hi Mystery lady

Sounds like an adventure you had - except for the blisters.

This weight thing can be frustrating. For me I cannot judge anything or lose without journaling and counting calories.

I've found that often I will plateau and a small adjustment of food will start the losing again - small I mean like 25 to 50 calorie difference.

Once I stop, I can maintain for awhile but then I start creeping up in weight - it is happening right now.

If you can before each meal - don't laugh try do 1/2 minute of jumping jacks, 1/2 minute of wall pushups and 1/2 minute of squats.

Then eat and measure BG.

Again IMO exercise is about getting that heart rate up and breathing hard if you read about HIT one doesn't have to do it for long to gain benefits

You do of course have to take into consideration your own health and issues. I started slowly. I set a goal of walking 300miles total before I started pushing myself. I started out walking 20 to 30 miles a week - my daughter made a great playlist.

But, really start keeping a record of what you eat and calorie count to start and then I am sure you can figure it out and get where you want to go

Sent from the Diabetes Forum App

Hi Runner

I'm logging my food intake on the my fitness pal app I would have thought by not having bread rice potato and pasta which I don't like any way that I'd have had some reduction in either weight or blood sugar levels yesterday I walked to the swimming baths and did 100 plus lengths could have been more as I kept forgetting what I was up to lol then walked home so I'm trying to keep active too I'm just getting over an operation at te min
I was supposed to have my first appointment with the dietician and care plan nurse today but they rang and cancelled cus she's not well
I don't really know how to work out the percentages of carbs in the food especially veg I recently found I loved leeks but have since found out there's alot of carbs in them grrr is there a certain percentage that. I should stay away from
Hope your keeping well


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Hi Runner

I'm logging my food intake on the my fitness pal app I would have thought by not having bread rice potato and pasta which I don't like any way that I'd have had some reduction in either weight or blood sugar levels yesterday I walked to the swimming baths and did 100 plus lengths could have been more as I kept forgetting what I was up to lol then walked home so I'm trying to keep active too I'm just getting over an operation at te min
I was supposed to have my first appointment with the dietician and care plan nurse today but they rang and cancelled cus she's not well
I don't really know how to work out the percentages of carbs in the food especially veg I recently found I loved leeks but have since found out there's alot of carbs in them grrr is there a certain percentage that. I should stay away from
Hope your keeping well

Hi Michelle

That app is good has lots of UK foods. Get a food scale - grams is more accurate and pick a number of carb servings you want each meal.

I am at 2 carb servings per meal that is 30grams per meal ( 15grams per serving ).

Next I figure the calories per meal. If I am dieting I have to be under 1,500, calories per day which is low but for me it works.

I just measure both food and BG and carbs and track it and adjust.

I do track the exercise and calories burned. I NEVER use those calories to add extra food.

My problem is I over estimate calories burned and under estimate how much I eat.

Once you got this system dialed in and you are accurately tracking and not cheating, you can start adjusting your food in small amounts so it is not uncomfortable and continue to lose

Just an FYI there was a gastric band study in AU, that targeted diabetics who's BMIs were in the overweight category and not obese.

They found that losing weight made a huge difference in BG control.

I'm am now going to start dieting again and get my BMI under 25 which will be difficult since I am big boned with still a fare amount of muscle.

It sounds like you are on track, just don't give up

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