Flexilink plus-accuchek


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Has anybody else found that they have unkown reasons for going abnormally high whilst using these sets? Or is it honestly just me that finds they have problems with these sets?


Well-Known Member
I've got problems as well. Flexlink and Flexlink Plus don't seem to last for no longer than about 20hrs before bg levels start rising :shock: :cry: :evil: and then get loads of error msgs on pump.

Accu Chek said it was because of inserting into scar tissue but strange that the Inset II doesn't cause any problems when it is inserted into the same scar tissue. :? :lol:

For the last 2 days, my bg levels have been lowish because of using an Inset. I've now got to alter all my basals back to how they were before bg levels started to rise last week.

Can only think that there is something wrong with the way the Flexlinks are currently being manufactured or something wrong with the tubing.

I'm going to complain to the Accu Chek rep and my dsn as the occlusions are all very well when it's my fault but now that I have been able to use another brand of set, I'm not very pleased :x


Type of diabetes
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I too have found that after 30 hours approx that my levels shoot up huge with flexilink sets...I absolutely hate having these sets raising my levels and having to cope with everything that follows on from it.

I am really sick to death of it and speaking to consultant tomorrow, I want to know why I am having so much **** with these sets. As I have been previosly informed by tohers on this website that I am so boring with my diet, I admit I am, but it has enabled me me to establish that these problems are not down to me...they are the sets or pump or tubing or insulin.........I am just so fed up at the moment with it all. For 1.5 days I may get normal levels, and then I get a huge blip and this isn;'t me and I am so, so fed up I could honestly cry. I am seriously thinking about going back to MDI, at least then I used to know that the insulin had gone in to my body......now I know I wuill get a problem after about 28 hours, and I know it isn't me.....


Donnellysdogs, I've been using the same sets as you for the past 13 months without any of the issues you mention, in fact they will work for a good 8 days if needed (do not ask!).


Well-Known Member

I find very hard to believe that you are using a pump and can leave a Flexlink in for 8 days with no problems :!: You will soon have scar tissue building up as your body tries to heal around the cannula.

It is possible that some batches of Flexlinks and Flexlink Plus have not been machined correctly and the bore holes in the tubing are not correct or the bore hole in the cannula is not right. Unfortunately Accu Chek cannot check every infusion set that is made so I am going to report the batches of sets that I have got and hope that there may be a recall.

I have just replaced my Inset II set tonight as it is 3 days since I last inserted one and comparing a used Flexlink cannula and an Inset cannula you can definately feel the difference. The Flexlink is finer and flops about whereas the Inset cannula is firm and doesnt flop.


I've been using my pump for 13 months. The tubing lasts six days without question and at a push eight days - the latter being needed on one very specific occasion. The cannula will work very happily for three days (as recommended by Accu-chek) and five days at a push (again on one very specific occasion). So in summary, the flexlink tubing will last eight days and on one occasion the cannula has lasted five days with no adverse results although for the reason you do state doing this would be very stupid on a day to day basis. I think questioning whether I use a pump or not is rather silly - just because you have issues and I do not does not mean I do not use a pump, simply I get on with mine very well.


Well-Known Member
barkbark said:
Donnellysdogs, I've been using the same sets as you for the past 13 months without any of the issues you mention, in fact they will work for a good 8 days if needed (do not ask!).


I did not mean to imply that you were or were not using a pump, I was just querying that you stated that you were able to use a Flexlink for 8 days.

I see now that you have explained yourself better and only keep the tube on for 8 days and change the cannula every 4 days or so. I hope that you continue to be able to use the Flexlinks all ok and that you don't have the problems that myself, DD, the driver, Bonerp and possibly others have been having as we all have to be our own 'Sherlock Holmes' and try and fathom out what is going wrong.


Type of diabetes
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Barkbark, so where do you have your sets and wear your pump...perhaps this may be a factor to your success rather than my failures, and perhaps I am blaming the wrong things perhaps????


Well-Known Member
I've not used the flexi-link as I've always used tenderlinks without any problems...

Even though it says a set can be left in for either 48 hours or 72 hours, some people find this isn't necessary so and they have to change a lot earlier, and you find this with all the different pump manufactureres and the particular sets, some people will find that they sets will do what it says on the box, others find it doesn't, some find it extremely difficult to get a type of set that works well for them...

If you find that you start raising at a consistantly before the recommended time i.e 46 hours on the 72 hours sets, then this is your duration time and you will need to be changing your set at the earlier time...

Give rouche a phone and ask for a sample of all their infusions sets to try, then perhaps you may find one that works better for you, also remember if you are getting occulsion etc as you can return the box's part full or full ones (for different batch numbers) replacing the duff ones..

I would also check out the other pump manufacturers that use the luer lock systems, phone them ask for a sample of their infusions sets as these might be more suited to you as an individual than the rouche ones. As sometimes it's the lubicants used during the manufacturing process that can cause individuals to have problems..


Type of diabetes
Type 1
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People that can't listen to other people's opinions.
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I have one box of sets left of a different batch number, and have used one and have gone back to lower levels again.

When I spoke to roche on weds last week, tey said they were going to send out two boxes to replace ones that 'seemed' to be giving me problems......they haven't arrived......having to phone them again now to ask where they are....

Am going to ask them to send me out samples too....going to speak to DSN about getting sets from different manufacturers, as they only supply accuchek to the hospital and we have to collect everything from the hospital, so will have to see if they have an account with other manufacturers....


I insert my sets around my waist - from the little bit of fat around on my back right the way round to my tummy. In reality I have around 12 or 14 sites in this area I use so no one site gets used more than once in a month. I do find that the site's do vary a small amount in terms of insulin absorption say making my blood levels be a 6 rather than a 5.5 or a 7 rather than a 6.5. I must say I am fairly rough with my pump - I bang it to ensure no air bubbles when priming and never wear it under clothing - it sits in my pocket or clipped to my pocket nearly all of the time. I do find the weather changes my insulin effectiveness though. In all reality I do not strive for the perfect static level of control - if my bloods are in the 4 to 6.5 range I am happy and if higher (or lower) as long as I understand why I'm happy as well. My view on matters is simple - I want to enjoy my life and if that means the odd high due to that very large bit of cake or low due to too much insulin as the cake did not have as much sugar as I expected so be it, as long as overall I'm in good shape. My pump has changed my life for the better, luckily I do not have any long term complications despite being Diabetic since I was a very young child but prior to my pump did suffer very nasty lows which whilst I usually caught before they caused me major issue they did stop me doing a lot of things I can now do again.


Well-Known Member
Hi, I have not had any problems with Flexlinks...although I do use the 30 cm tubes. Can I ask whether this is a recent problem? Sorry for being dim (again!) Flexlink plus? Is that the additional cannula, that you use between complete set changes?


It is a new cannula that when inserted does not leave a needle to dispose of - the needle is contained in a sealed unit (I move to FlexLink plus from FlexLink next week). Accu-Chek have some info' re FlexLink plus on their website.


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The flexlinks are awful. I tried one. It hurt like hell once it was in, didn't feel right and just yuck. Whipped it straight back out and a big lump appeared :roll:


Type of diabetes
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People that can't listen to other people's opinions.
People that can't say sorry.
I have had it confirmed by my DSN today that my highs on set changovers are not my body, are not my basals, are not my bolus's. They are either the sets matching up to the tubes or the tubes matching up to the sets.

NOT MY FAULT......NOTHING TO DO WITH ME............I have stipped off shown all my sites for my changeovers, she has inspected every single days readings with set changeovers and cartridge changeovers and she is alarmed......so much so that she has IMMEDIATELY taken me off from using flexilink plus sets, cannulas the lot........

NOT MY FAULT..........a lot more said as to what she is concerned about, but that is to do with the hospital and accuchek, not me.

AS stated continuously, when levels are ok for 3 days (or slightly low) then why all of a sudden after 4 months of nothing being wrong-why should occlusions suddenly start, why should levels go up to 21 without an alarm going off for the next 3 days when swopping over the set only?????

NOT MY FAULT, is all I can say..........................................


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
People that can't listen to other people's opinions.
People that can't say sorry.
Accuchek agreed to take back all the rest of the unopened boxes of sets and complete tubing and sets and crediting Hospital account. Hopsital now re-ordering Rapid D's as all my levels today have stabilised back at 6-7's and no need for 200% temporary basals, reprimes or problems. Completely back to normal again......


Well-Known Member
donnellysdogs said:
I have had it confirmed by my DSN today that my highs on set changovers are not my body, are not my basals, are not my bolus's. They are either the sets matching up to the tubes or the tubes matching up to the sets.

NOT MY FAULT......NOTHING TO DO WITH ME............I.......

I am guessing that you are happy then? :D

Can understand, it is always good to know that it isn't your fault. I actually love my flexilinks, as I allergic to some metals, and the rapid d links made me itch like crazy....not tried tender links though. my have to give them a try.

I was about to ask whether Flexilink (old style) had been withdrawn, but remembered that someone had said it was on the accuchek website...so went for a look, and couldn't find any mention of the "+" version (searche Flexilink plus and +) but no mention of them anywhere!

This could of course be because I just haven't found the right bit of the website...or there is a problem with them and they have been withdrawn? Does any one know?


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
People that can't listen to other people's opinions.
People that can't say sorry.
The ones I had problems with were the flexilink plus sets, not the older version flexlink type..will have look at accuchek website later.


Hmmm, this is interesting.

I have used the flexi-link sets. They work about 2 days, 4 is the max, then I change cartridge and cannula anyway.

I found my bG's sometimes went up for no reason. My nurse suggested I try the Tender-link cannula instead.

These last very well. I try and change every 2 days to prevent scaring, but I go so busy sometimes I go as long as the cartridge lasts. I get a lot less problems with tender-links, but for ease of use I prefer the flexi-links (I hate pushing the big needles into myself with tender links, its like injecting all over again).

So right now, I mostly use tender-links, and occasionally a flexi-link.

A point to note is that the connector into the cannula is different between the two so I need to swap tubing and everything when I change link types.

