Flu jabs etc.


I know bit early or a bit late depends on how you look at it, The flu jab, do I have to make an appointment or will the doctor make it when its time and do i really need it?
ta civ??


Well-Known Member
I can't speak for your practice, civ but I get a reminder every year. Usually, they hold a special clinic in early Winter every year for their diabetic/asthmatic patients to receive the jab.

Normally, if I've got an appointment with the GP or nurse anyway at that time of year, they administer the jab as a matter of course while I'm there.


Well-Known Member
The medic's better not come after me for a flu tab! I don't want a dose of MERCURY every year thank you!


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Non-insulin injectable medication (incretin mimetics)
People who join web forums to be agressive and cause trouble

There is only one variety of flu vaccine that uses mercury as a form of preservative. This is Thiomersal. If you have concerns then you can ask your GP whether the vaccine is Thiomersal and request one without mercury if it is.

People with diabetes are 6 times more likely to be hospitalised with flu complications because diabetes makes the immune system more vulnerable to the influenza virus. During flu epidemics the number of deaths within the diabetic population rises by up to 15%.

As with anything else - the choice is yours.


Well-Known Member
I know of several people who have the flu vaccine religiously....and they always end up with side effects and sometimes even the FLU! I prefer other methods of keeping my immune system strong and it has worked for me thus far....my family have taken Echinacea and Vitamin C every year from Oct-Mar NO FLU in years.


Well-Known Member
Like Thirsty says, my GP's surgery plaster the walls of teh surgery with posters about the flu jab. I am usually in there to pick up my repeat prescription, so make an appointment, and go along to the clinic. They often hold them on saturday mornings.

I have never had a problem with the flu jab, and I have never (touch wood I am not tempting fate!) had flu. It is your choice though...the Dr has yet to frog march me into the surgery and force me. Does make my arm hurt for a few days though! (I am a real wuss)


Well-Known Member
Hi, my husband is type 2 has had the flu jab and has had 3 heavy colds since, if he had not had the flu jab I wonder how bad he would be with the flu. It is personal choice but makes you wonder, we have to try to look after ourselves and weigh up the pros and cons. junieliz


Active Member
My GP practice sends for us every year, except once when they did things differently! So I always phone and enquire around September. I have the flu jab every year with no ill efects. I am the only diabetic in the office and the only person to have had no sick days. As the Americans say, go figure! One time I had the flu jab in one arm and at the exact same time had the pneumonia jab in the other. I didn't feel anything except slightly sore arms. Flu and pneumonia can be killers to people with compromised immune systems.


Well-Known Member
It's been mentioned before but bears repeating. What many people call 'flu' is really just the common cold, unpleasant but rarely life-threatening. Although some of the symptoms are similar, true influenza is a completely different disease which knocks you flat and can prove fatal, as Ellen says. The 1918 epidemic killed millions worldwide.

Obviously, civ, it's your choice to make but I too have never had a problem with the jab, other than a slightly sore arm for a couple of days. I'm willing to tolerate that; the alternative can be far worse.


Thirsty is so right about cold and influenza - the common cold is as it states common - and sadly too many folk who get it call it flu (suggest it's a physocological thing where folk who stay off work try and justify it, or want some sympathy)

<b>Influenze is a nightmare </b> - once you've had it you will know the difference from a cold and you will take whatever preventative measures it takes to avoid it again - I for one will never miss my jab.

I want to see who refuses to take a H5N1 jab if a pandemic is ever declared - what - a virus that kills! I am a big supporter of vaccines - MMR, cervical cancer coming soon - see http://www.who.int/immunization_monitoring/diseases/en/ - for a list of diseases that can be prevented by vaccination.

Back to topic - I would recommend the flu jab every year!! - and not just for diabetics, where there is good evidence of an extra need - thanks Dennis

I also had no problem with getting mine - just had to book an appointment for it. Like some others, had a sore arm for a few days!

I am not always a big fan of conventional medicine, however, as someone else mentioned, I wonder whether I would have been quite ill without it. A little while back my partner came down with a dreadful cold which lasted ages - and I only had some symptoms for a couple of days. Similarly, I have had a cold since Thursday, but it was only bad for one day and I have had no change whatsoever in my BS. Also, I work in schools so bugs are everywhere, but I seem to have been less ill than a lot of my colleagues.

So at the moment, I am a fan of the flu jab!