My own personal experience was with my mother.. Living in a wardened flat they were all encouraged (semi-forcibly) to get the jab. Nurse would come to the communal lounge and dish them out.
Every year without fail a week or so after the jab she'd be ill for at least a month.
I avoid medication of any kind whenever possible so don't really see why a jab which appears to be mainly ineffective at best should be a requirement. Thousands of people die every year from influenza so the jab doesn't seem to be especially effective.
This, everyone I know that has the flu jab is ill for 4-5 weeks not seriously but mild flu symptoms. I used to have it and it made me feel very low and coldy for weeks. I teach in a physical job so I used to find it difficultt to work.
After stopping having it, I watched people stopping training as they felt low and had 2 weeks away recovering from cold/flu mild symptoms.
My dad also had the flu jab in his mid 70s a quite active person, but bad rhumotoid arthritis, I had told him not too, but like the 'poster' above it was almost forced upon them using the guilt trip by nurses.
1 day later he was in hospital, day 2 in ICU, I knew the head of this ward and he commented that nearly everyone in there was elderly with similar symptoms and typical at this time - flu jab time . We asked relatives of their situation nearly all had the flu fab in the past week - 10 days. Nearly all died on that ward including my dad after a 2 week battle.
So the 'inert' statement and it won't bring on an infection, I do not believe is correct. Many doctors tell you it doesn't bring on flu or colds, but it does.
So I don't have it. Tbh if we get the 2nd strain of the covid19 it would kill most of us anyway (one is mild the other the killer) , flu jab is ineffective against covid19 and if it lowers the immune system opening you up to other colds and covid then it's not for me. After 6 months of isolation our immune system is not upto much anyway.
Its a personal thing of course, but improving sales of lemsip and beachams powders isn't a good reason to have this jab, that's made by the same type of manufacturers.
Good luck either way, as we'll all need it this winter.