FMD - 5 day cycle.


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So I have read a lot of threads about fast mimicking diets. I did some research and found also that there is some anecdotal evidence that by getting your BG really low and being in Ketosis you start to regenerate beta cells. Now I have no idea how many of those I have left but again, conventional wisdom seems to suggest that by time you are diagnosed T2 then you would of lost UP TO 80%. of them.

So I decided to do 1 week, 5 day VL calorie (600 a day) to try and see what would happen. So far I am quite surprised with the results. I use a Libre, and a Libre for finger prick testing so I have been benchmarking the two to ensure my results are not skewed by sensor.

I had a good weekend, normal low carb stuff. Going in to Monday my BG was around 5-6.5 most of the time. I have never seen a 4 in a finger prick test.

Monday first day of 600 calorie and good results, nice smooth BG all day but even though my evening meal was very low carb and a very small portion I still peeked about 6.2 two hours after dinner (1mmol rise).
I did not feel hungry and tend not to weight myself to honest - felt a lot slimmer though :)

Tuesday was a different story. I woke to a very low BG reading and for the first time I didn't see a big spike when I got up nor when I had my benacol first thing in the morning. In fact by midday seeing readings all day below 5.5 even after my almond lunch I thought the sensor was off. By time I got home at 6 my BG was 4.7 confirmed with a finger prick test - at 4.7. Never seen that before. In the evening after a very low post peek dinner reading of 6 I jumped on the cross trainer and to be honest trained hard whilst watching GOT. BG did go up to about 6.5 for about an hour after that which included a hot shower.
I did feel very hungry all day today - until my evening meal which satisfied me.

Wednesday was even better - my BG was mid 4 all day. I did feel hungry though not as bad as Tuesday and it didn't blip after my almond lunch. By time I got home possibly a little later say 630 my BG was 4.2 from a finger prick test and again - bang on with Libre sensor.
I weighed myself last night with my clothes on - where typically I weigh in first thing Saturday morning and I still had lost 4lb so far this week. Though I have to stress I am not trying to lose weight specifically more trying to drain the liver and regenerate Beta cells.

Today I have been mainly in the upper 3's. However I did get a peek to 4.4 after my almonds but it went down pretty quickly and by time I got home I was 3.9. I did feel really hungry today - scoffed my almonds down in one go and longed for dinner. I also drunk about 8pints of water. My post dinner 1 hour peek is about .4mmol and I do not expect it to go either up nor down much as the evening wears on. I have found after dinner until I go to bead it now likes to hover around 4.6.

I will post an update tomorrow then over the weekend to see if it has changed at all my typical readings which after 12 weeks I know quite well.


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Dr Jason Fung thinks it is fat cladding up the bête cells, and by getting your insulin level very low you can burn up that fat. To get insulin levels low you need to get BG low.

He does it with fasting sometimes just water and sometimes with bone broth.

Given our bodies can cope with many days just with water; if I was doing it I would not have the 600 cals a day. You may find that your little food is making you more hungry.
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Thanks @ringi - I am reading Jason's book on fasting at the moment. I have tried days with no food - well a 24 hour fast over two days. So far, I am satisfied with the 600 calories and as well as hunger, when my BG goes down to about 3.6 I have felt a bit light headed.

I am really preparing myself for the Newcastle Diet I think. Whilst LCHF has really worked well for me in a very short period - I think I need to go that extra mile just to see what it does.


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People who think they know everything.
Wow @Fleegie - those numbers are fantastic!! What an inspiration. :) How have you been feeling while you are in the 3s?

When I've done fasting I usually don't eat until dinner and my numbers are never as brilliant as yours - maybe not spreading my calories throughout the day is where I've been going wrong.

Any chance you could do a post of the sorts of things you've been eating every day (just to give me some ideas ;) )


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I have felt a little light headed when in the threes and I have been tired more than normal. But it isn't extreme just shades.

My benacol in the morning is about 50 calories I think and 4g of sugar. A real pain they do not do a sugar free version.
I try and have a cup of tea with a splash of milk at 10.
Then I have 30grams of almonds at lunch time - which is nearly 200 calories but good fat and protein.
Dinner around 6/7. I have under 300 calories for dinner.

Dinner is a protein/meat (cod, salmon, chicken twice) but low fat. A lot of cabbage, broccoli and mushrooms.
Then I may sneak another cup of team in the evening depending whether I have any calories left.
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I have felt a little light headed when in the threes and I have been tired more than normal. But it isn't extreme just shades.

It takes a few days for our brains to get use to "running on fat" (I am assuming you have enough fat already stored up.)

The Newcastle Diet is 8 weeks of what you are doing, but check you are getting enough salt.

I also assume you are taking no meds that lower BG in a way to stops your body increasing BG.
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Dr Jason Fung thinks it is fat cladding up the bête cells, and by getting your insulin level very low you can burn up that fat. To get insulin levels low you need to get BG low.

He does it with fasting sometimes just water and sometimes with bone broth.

Given our bodies can cope with many days just with water; if I was doing it I would not have the 600 cals a day. You may find that your little food is making you more hungry.
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It takes a few days for our brains to get use to "running on fat" (I am assuming you have enough fat already stored up.)

The Newcastle Diet is 8 weeks of what you are doing, but check you are getting enough salt.

I also assume you are taking no meds that lower BG in a way to stops your body increasing BG.

No meds. None at all.


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Well done @Fleegle those are wonderful figures. It is really working for you and I'm so pleased for you. :):):):)

The only fasting I can do sensibly is to skip breakfast because I can't afford to loose any more weight.
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Evil beings. Destroying our beautiful Planet X
You are doing so well x
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Excellent job!! If I had to do 600 Cal's or less a day I could only do it if I had a whole avocado and some nuts. Probably wouldn't be too hard at all. Probably wouldn't need much insulin either!
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So in today's news.
Firstly - nowhere near so hungry. Whether that is as because tomorrow I am going to eat normally - or whether this is because I am now getting used to it - I do not know. Perhaps I am fully fat fuelled.

Unfortunately last night my sensor came off - the glue has gone downhill but that isn't the subject of this thread!
So only did a couple of finger prick tests due to few strips and needing to get through the weekend.

FBG - 3.5.Now I do hope it is true that you cannot have a hypo if you are not on BG lowering meds.
I ate my lunch much later today - so my pre-dinner BG is 4.6. Still low for me at this time of day. I will do a two hour test as it is another low calorie, low carb day and unfortunately as a result low fat too.

All of the figures all of the time have been way down on my norm and we will see what impact that has on my return to normal tomorrow.


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.Now I do hope it is true that you cannot have a hypo if you are not on BG lowering meds.

It can not kill directly kill you as given rest your body will recover without you having to add carbs (unless no body fat left). But anyone can feel like they need to lay down due to low BG.

Now you just need to define what you mean by the word "hypo"..........


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It can not kill directly kill you as given rest your body will recover without you having to add carbs (unless no body fat left). But anyone can feel like they need to lay down due to low BG.

Now you just need to define what you mean by the word "hypo"..........

I was just kidding. I was surprised though it dropped so low.


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I was just kidding. I was surprised though it dropped so low.

Fleegle - I was diagnosed in October 2013. I've never taken any medication. I didn't do any fasting, or the ND, but I did reduce my carb intake, without upping my fats, aside from going from low fat yoghurt to full fat etc, in an effort to get my numbers in line. That worked and I trimmed up at the same time, although that was never my objective.

Cutting to the chase, my routine fasting range is 3.5 - 4-5, including a very modest morning liver dump. I'm usually hovering around 4 or under at mealtimes, and don't see massive rises.

I'm very comfortable with my low numbers. I don't try to force them down or up. I now run where I run.

On the odd occasion I have been mid-2s, I've usually been very hungry, but then again, it's usually been in the run up close to dinner, so I just wait it out. If it happens further from food I just have a cup of tea.

The only time I have felt uncomfortable at a low- number was earlier this week, at the end of a home GTT, when I went to 3.2. I was fine, it just didn't fantastic, but I think it was because I'd taken the glucose hit, with a rise I don't routinely see, then the drop. I just waited for my next 15 minute test, when I had risen a little, due to my liver intervening.

You're doing just fine, and don't panic on seeing a small number, provided you feel OK. If you were taking any meds, particularly strong ones, or had other co-morbidities, I'd advise differently.
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Fleegle - I was diagnosed in October 2013. I've never taken any medication. I didn't do any fasting, or the ND, but I did reduce my carb intake, without upping my fats, aside from going from low fat yoghurt to full fat etc, in an effort to get my numbers in line. That worked and I trimmed up at the same time, although that was never my objective.

Cutting to the chase, my routine fasting range is 3.5 - 4-5, including a very modest morning liver dump. I'm usually hovering around 4 or under at mealtimes, and don't see massive rises.

I'm very comfortable with my low numbers. I don't try to force them down or up. I now run where I run.

On the odd occasion I have been mid-2s, I've usually been very hungry, but then again, it's usually been in the run up close to dinner, so I just wait it out. If it happens further from food I just have a cup of tea.

The only time I have felt uncomfortable at a low- number was earlier this week, at the end of a home GTT, when I went to 3.2. I was fine, it just didn't fantastic, but I think it was because I'd taken the glucose hit, with a rise I don't routinely see, then the drop. I just waited for my next 15 minute test, when I had risen a little, due to my liver intervening.

You're doing just fine, and don't panic on seeing a small number, provided you feel OK. If you were taking any meds, particularly strong ones, or had other co-morbidities, I'd advise differently.

Those really are great numbers. Thank you for the wise words.
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Those really are great numbers. Thank you for the wise words.

Fleegle - I strongly believe I got lucky to be diagnosed when my body could recover pretty well.

I'm trying to maintain that great place, but of course, none of us know what lies before us.

I must admit I was nervous doing the OGTT, because I always said I wouldn't, but somebody irritated me enough to pick up the Lucozade when shopping, and being a Scot, I thought I'd best use it. That said, the remainder went down the sink. Vile, vile, vile stuff.
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So last nights and this mornings figures - Libre back in operation.
Post meal was 5.2. The only difference between the days has been some peanuts so I am going to do some more testing on those.
But it fell back down by bedtime to 4.5 and 4.4 this morning when I got up much later. (these were all finger prick tests).

Interesting as always to see the Libre overnight pattern - a nice bounce around 3.5 - 4.5. The sensor is about.2mmol out from blood test.

Thought not starving - am looking forward to some eggs and bacon this morning.


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Enjoy the bacon and eggs!

It will be interesting to see how you react once back on your normal eating plan.