Food question


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone,

I'm T2, currently on a low carb diet along with Alogliptin, due next HBA1C next month. I just have a question about salad foods, in particular carrots. Are they really high in carbs? The reason I ask is that for dinner last night I had 2 burgers (without bun) with some mozzarella cheese on them and a large salad. I've had this exact dinner the last 2 weeks, tested my blood 2 hours after meal and it was 6.5, last night however I had a pre-prepared salad which contained carrots and a little full fat salad dressing, checked the carbs on that and they were very low for the amount I used, when I tested last night my blood sugar had gone up to 8.3, quite a difference which I have to admit freaked me out a bit. Could it have been the carrots or am I heading back to having to take a stronger medication to keep things under control? Thanks for any advice on this.

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For me the salad dressings tends to spike my bgs .
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Staff Member
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Tablets (oral)
Carrots are a root vegetable and contain more carbs than leafy salads. For example, lettuce has ~2g carbs per 100g, while carrots are ~7g carbs per 100g. But obviously, it depends on how much you ate and also other variables could be at play, e.g., what was your starting BG level before the meal.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the replies and info, my blood sugar started at 8 and I'd fully expected it to drop as it had before, just a normal size salad but I think I'll be sticking to home made salads from here in with no dressing, at least for the next time I have that meal to see if that makes a difference.



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Some of us react strongly to carrots (me for example). Also pre-prepared salad dressing probably has sugar in it.
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In Response

Well-Known Member
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And don't forget that our BG is affected by more than just what we eat.
You could eat exactly the same food at exactly the same time three days running and get different results depending upon things like stress, illness, how well you last slept, how hydrated you are, what exercise you have done, what the weather is like, ...
Whilst food has the biggest impact on BG, as someone with Type 1 using a CGM, these other things have a noticeable impact on my BG.


Staff Member
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Thanks for the replies and info, my blood sugar started at 8 and I'd fully expected it to drop as it had before, just a normal size salad but I think I'll be sticking to home made salads from here in with no dressing, at least for the next time I have that meal to see if that makes a difference.

When you say your BS started at 8 was that the test immediately before eating the meal and the 2nd test was 2 hrs after first bite was 8.3?

If that’s the case your meal was absolutely great BG wise as you are looking for a rise of no more than 2, everyone even none diabetic will sometimes/usually see a rise after eating. If as I describe is indeed the case then it’s a very good meal for you, the 8 before eating is a tad on the high side so getting your before meal tests down a bit may help.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi everyone,

I'm T2, currently on a low carb diet along with Alogliptin, due next HBA1C next month. I just have a question about salad foods, in particular carrots. Are they really high in carbs? The reason I ask is that for dinner last night I had 2 burgers (without bun) with some mozzarella cheese on them and a large salad. I've had this exact dinner the last 2 weeks, tested my blood 2 hours after meal and it was 6.5, last night however I had a pre-prepared salad which contained carrots and a little full fat salad dressing, checked the carbs on that and they were very low for the amount I used, when I tested last night my blood sugar had gone up to 8.3, quite a difference which I have to admit freaked me out a bit. Could it have been the carrots or am I heading back to having to take a stronger medication to keep things under control? Thanks for any advice on this.

Carrots are delicious evil daggers!
It doesn’t matter how you prepare them - naturally high in sugar.
Swap out for peppers. And celery.
Also you slow the carb uptake with fats - two burgers would have a good dose of fat - so those carrots managed that sugar jump in the presence of fat!
Consume in moderation I would say.
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