Foot pain


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Can anyone tell me if they have experienced foot pain and coldness in hands and feet
I am type 2 and have recently been prescribed exenatide as well as taking insulin. Have recently managed to lose 2.5 stone in weight and am now getting 90% of my readings in single figures.

john john

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Morning linda10 I am on Lixisenatide but not on insulin aswell, but yes sometimes I get cold feet and hands more in the hands I might add. On the 13th March I will have been on Lixisenatide 1 year and have lost four stone in first six month and another 3lb this morning happy days.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Yes im type 2 have a lot of problems with feet toes feel like blocks of ice or can feel like burning. Trying to keep feet warm helps but then socks bother me feels like they are twisted on my feet.the pain can be like someone cut nails really short and can keep me awake.often feet feel like blocks of ice but touch them feel normal quite trying vitamin b to help nerve damage because some meds can reduce what you need in your body.its a common thing with diabetes seems like because I can feel the prick test at the doctors thats good enough for them.