Freestyle libre sensor, causing shoulder impingement?


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Mountain out of mole hill makers ,queues , crowds , shopping on a Saturday hmm just shopping I guess no matter what day it is
I’ve been using Libre for years not had a problem other than a few failed sensors , Try putting it somewhere other than your arms if you think it might be causing a problem ! I know it’s not recommended but I’ve done it it works fine and have checked against finger prick , if sensor isn’t the issue then it’s two birds one stone
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Cold weather, angry people, queues,
It's had the opposite effect on me , I have had a painful right shoulder for years and had X rays that have said it is due to wear and tear , but strangely since using the Libre for the last 4 mths my shoulder that was sometimes so painful to even comb my hair seems to be getting better so much so that I might be painting the ceiling soon .
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I have also this pain for the last years. I´ve been using Libre 2 and now Libre 3 with pain in both arms, like frozen shoulder. THe pain has gone worse since I used the Libre 3. I will now try to use it only on the left arm to see if it changes the condition on the right arm. I think that it might not only be that the needle hits the nerve, since the needle is so small but maybe it is the radiation or the signals that goes from the Libre 3 constantly to my cell phone. Just guessing but something is definitly affecting the arms.....
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Another Libre 2 user here, with a similar reaction. Very sore shoulder and upper arm. Affects my sleep and difficulty in fastening bra straps etc. It only affects my left arm. Started off as an occasional sharp spasm and has gradually got worse.

wood gnome

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I have been using this for a year now and since have ended up with a severe shoulder impingement on both arms. Not sure if it can be related as have been assured by Abbots that it only goes into the skin and not to any nerve tissue, however am concerned. Could it be that there's a voltage current perhaps that could cause long term damage??

My symtoms are that I am unable to raise either arms nor scratch my back without excruciating pain.

Has anyone else using these encountered the same issue?

Thanks :)

wood gnome

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I was reading about your experience with your shoulders.
I have also been trying to find out why I'm showing signs of inflammation.
I have now just been told I have a frozen shoulder, and that's why I can't move my arm much.
I won't have the injections they keep trying to make me have, as that in it self can course problems and may not always work and even make it worse.
I have been trying to get some answers from professionals and it's turning out not a easy thing.
I know that my shoulder isn't just," well it happens to diabetics", I'm fed up with them blaming diabetes just because it's easier.
I also know this from many years of trying to get answers and just being handed around and even abruptly.
Since having the lybra 2. I have a fat lump under my arm pit, frozen shoulder, and my body is showing signs of internally be inflamed, and I have lots of static electric. I'm thinking about having a break from the lybra and seeing if I get better but I have two insulins to take multiple times a day.
This is a new product that's not been fully tested for the effects over many many years so maybe there is some connection.
Thank you for giving information as I now feel I'm not alone with this problem.


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I don’t know about the reaction to Libre, but both my shoulders have suffered with Adhesive Capsulitis. I had been told it was due to poor control on FB groups and such, but my consultant stated that was not correct. He sees just as many diabetics with good control as diabetics with poor control. However, diabetics DO have a higher propensity to the condition. So whilst it may not be what you want to hear, my consultant’s view is yes it is down to diabetes.
Full disclosure: I’m type 1 since 1981, and I am not a consultant nor a healthcare professional.


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I am having issues have only had the Libra for a couple of months first in my right arm then left and now back to right, have had a previous frozen shoulder in my left arm and the pain I am now getting is the same cant ift my arm or reach behind my back to fasten clothes after a week in my right arm I am experiencing the same problems have an appointment to discuss with my doc next monday