GAD test results


Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Hi, I’ve had diabetes for 2 years now. 38 years in age and normal weight. Recently had a GAD test as my blood sugars are not being controlled with diet or metformin. Tested positive with the GAD test. Looks like a normal range is 0-5 and my result was 951

Just out of curiosity can anyone tell me their first GAD result? Am I way down the line already and heading straight for insulin? I’m waiting to see the consultant at the hospital for a follow up.



Well-Known Member
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Hi, I’ve had diabetes for 2 years now. 38 years in age and normal weight. Recently had a GAD test as my blood sugars are not being controlled with diet or metformin. Tested positive with the GAD test. Looks like a normal range is 0-5 and my result was 951

Just out of curiosity can anyone tell me their first GAD result? Am I way down the line already and heading straight for insulin? I’m waiting to see the consultant at the hospital for a follow up.

Hi Gemma,

I was diagnosed with diabetes 2 years ago aged 56, prescribed metformin and diet. I also was a normal weight. The first year after diagnosis, I lost nearly 4 stone (I was skin and bone) with uncontrolled blood sugars, progressively becoming more unwell. It was a battle, after several trips to A/E, it wasn't until a different diabetic nurse at the gp surgery said 'this isn't type 2, it's type 1 diabetes and sent me to the endocrinology dept., I was finally put on insulin, and had LADA antibody tests. I was positive in 3 of the antibodies, I don't remember the figures. I've been on insulin for a year now.
It was a relief to be finally diagnosed properly with LADA and treated with insulin.
Good luck with your hospital appt.


Well-Known Member
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Type 1
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Hi, I’ve had diabetes for 2 years now. 38 years in age and normal weight. Recently had a GAD test as my blood sugars got are not being controlled with diet or metformin. Tested positive with the GAD test. Looks like a normal range is 0-5 and my result was 951

Just out of curiosity can anyone tell me their first GAD result? Am I way down the line already and heading straight for insulin? I’m waiting to see the consultant at the hospital for a follow up.

Hi gemlou84

I was initially thought to have Type 2 and like yourself oral medication was not working for me. I was already on insulin when I had my GAD levels were checked. I was transferred onto basal / bolus regime and carb counting almost immediately.

I think my first levels were over 2000 when they were first tested.Hopefully you will get all the answers when you see your consultant. You should also find out at what technology such as Libre or Dexcom you can access
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
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Hi Gemma,
A positive GAD test is usually the first step in discovering a misdiagnosis. It's not that your type 2 has progressed, but that you may have always LADA.

The good news is that in many countries, medical care, services and access to diabetes technology is better for those who have a diagnosis of LADA/type 1 rather than type 2 diabetes. Good luck and keep us updated!
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The same thing happened to me. I don't know that the actual levels are important. What they indicate is. In other words, GAD are antibodies which confirms that you are in the Type 1 "family" of auto-immune diabetes and will be treated differently than a Type 2. Also, this type of diabetes, unfortunately, is a life sentence. There is no chance of remission like there could be with Type 2. You'll be on insulin for life or until researchers learn more. There are some promising theories out there that might just discover a cure but not yet.


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Hi Gemma,

I was also first diagnosed at T2, which made sense at the time: fat 50yo woman with a T2 father. Initially I did really well on first diet only for three years, lost loads of weight was congratulated as a perfect patient. Then needed to go onto Metformin, again did really well for 3+ years, lost more weight, finally became slim then I couldn't control things at all, kept losing weight but couldn't get BS below 15 despite ever stricter diet and more Metformin. I was re-diagnosed as LADA aged 57 - GAD was 2000+, possibly 2,100? but can't really remember. What I do remember was my Endo's excitement at showing me the result on her computer screen which told me this was not something she routinely came across. I don't think GAD results can be linear, but my quick Google search gave the results for Generalised Anxiety Disorder and I already worry about enough things! So I don't know how meaningful some of the numbers are once you move into the positive zone. What I learnt at that consultation is that LADA is often associated with other autoimmune conditions -in my case long-standing familial thyroid disease, so I had risk factors for both T1 and T2. This might be something for you to bear in mind?

I went onto long-acting (Humulin I) insulin straightaway, before the results of my GAD tests and appointment with Endo came through. This was a huge help and was on that plus low carb for about 18 months before I added Novorapid. Benefit of hindsight, from reading other people's histories on the LADA forum, I should have moved onto quick release insulin much sooner. However, the situation was complicated by Covid....Starting insulin is scary, but it's also a life-saver. Whatever your insulin route is, I am sure you will make it work for you.

Best of luck,
Susan x


Active Member
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Hi, I’ve had diabetes for 2 years now. 38 years in age and normal weight. Recently had a GAD test as my blood sugars are not being controlled with diet or metformin. Tested positive with the GAD test. Looks like a normal range is 0-5 and my result was 951

Just out of curiosity can anyone tell me their first GAD result? Am I way down the line already and heading straight for insulin? I’m waiting to see the consultant at the hospital for a follow up.

Hi Gemma,
I received my positive GAD test results today, they were 1460 (or 14.6 not sure) I googled the reference range and it states below 5 is normal, anything above is typically Type 1. I've been put on Insulin due to this, I would of thought with 951 you would be too. I understand alot of hospitals run things differently.
Let us know how you get on when you get your follow up, I got a phone call Friday and saw nurse today for insulin. Good luck.


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I was diagnosed T2 four and a half years ago. I was 10.5 stone and 57 at the time. Over the next six months I lost over 2 stone. Luckily, when I was on the T2 DESMOND course, one of the instructors suggested I might not be T2. GAD test showed 330 so my diagnosis was changed to ‘probably LADA’. Have been slowly progressing and now on insulin once a day as well as Metformin. The biggest downside of LADA is that I have to keep doing finger pricks 4 times a day as we are not worthy of the same technology given to T1s.


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hypos and forum bugs
The biggest downside of LADA is that I have to keep doing finger pricks 4 times a day as we are not worthy of the same technology given to T1s.
My understanding is that LADA is regarded as T1 by the NHS. The cgm or flash sensor technology was approved for all T1s in April last year, though we are still getting posts here from T1s who are only just accessing it. I urge you to ask again,you should qualify. (It's insulin dependent T2s who mostly don't get access to the technology, though I live in hope that they will qulaify soon),

My apologies to @gemlou84 for potentially derailing your thread, but I feel that this is a relevant point for LADA folk.
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I was diagnosed T2 four and a half years ago. I was 10.5 stone and 57 at the time. Over the next six months I lost over 2 stone. Luckily, when I was on the T2 DESMOND course, one of the instructors suggested I might not be T2. GAD test showed 330 so my diagnosis was changed to ‘probably LADA’. Have been slowly progressing and now on insulin once a day as well as Metformin. The biggest downside of LADA is that I have to keep doing finger pricks 4 times a day as we are not worthy of the same technology given to T1s.
Hi Dave,
Funny you say that, I got one on the free trial from the Abbotts site, I seem to be getting hypos in the afternoon and was curious to see if I should give it ago for that reason, but worried my diabetic team will tell me off and it not being necessary. I'm actually going to email them this morning asking exactly that as my poor fingers are so sore, I test more than 4 times a day, if I didn't I wouldn't know I had a hypo due to taking other medication. I'll let you know what they say as I am LADA the consultant says type 1. I doubt I'll get another one after this freebie unless they offer it, but you never know.


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Just an update,
I have been given the go ahead to wear the libre, I haven't a clue what I'm doing though, so a little nervous. I was told if it helps let them know and they will get it put on prescription for me. Also, I can link it with them so they can see my readings from their end. Positive outcome. Hope that helps. Sorry to gatecrash the post.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Thanks all. Good to hear your experiences.

I have my appointment with the diabetes medicine team tomorrow. I’m really worried that they’re not going to do anything, however since I posted this I’ve started feeling rotten. Lost weight, feel hungover every day, interrupted sleep. thirsty and weeing lots. I’ve done a trial of the Dexcom 7 and my readings rarely go below 10 and at it’s highest its been 22. I really hope the appointment tomorrow helps. My gp said they may not do anything as my last hb1ac was only 53. Will keep you all posted. Thanks everyone


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Thanks all. Good to hear your experiences.

I have my appointment with the diabetes medicine team tomorrow. I’m really worried that they’re not going to do anything, however since I posted this I’ve started feeling rotten. Lost weight, feel hungover every day, interrupted sleep. thirsty and weeing lots. I’ve done a trial of the Dexcom 7 and my readings rarely go below 10 and at it’s highest its been 22. I really hope the appointment tomorrow helps. My gp said they may not do anything as my last hb1ac was only 53. Will keep you all posted. Thanks everyone
Good Luck tomorrow, please keep us updated. Just so you know my hba1c was only 50!! So when I found out it was LADA due to my GAD test, I was in shock, purely because I see people have hba1c of 90+. I have definitely caught this early and wouldn't of known if I hadn't been feeling 'not myself' for the past 6 months. Due to my high gad results they put me on daily insulin, basically getting a heads up before I stop making my own, wether it'll be months or even years. My diabetic consultant was so much more helpful, understanding and on the ball compared to my GP and even the DN at my surgery.
Hope all goes well ☺️


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I do not have diabetes
Intolerance, selfishness, rice pudding
as my poor fingers are so sore,
Have you tried avoiding the tips, even moving a litlle down but off centre? I find that's less sensitive, but not everyone might agree!
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi all, I’ve been given insulin to start taking - basal first, tresiba then moving on bolus, novorapid as needed next week. I’m so pleased, as I’d really like to start feeling well again. What time of day do you do the basal? Was thinking at night before bed, but interested to see what others do?
Thanks all


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
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Hi all, I’ve been given insulin to start taking - basal first, tresiba then moving on bolus, novorapid as needed next week. I’m so pleased, as I’d really like to start feeling well again. What time of day do you do the basal? Was thinking at night before bed, but interested to see what others do?
Thanks all
It doesn't matter much at what time you take your basal, especially on Tresiba, which is the most steady of them all.
I take mine in bed, right before turning off the light because that's the easiest time for me to remember.

So I'd choose a time you're not likely to forget to take it, or link it to something you do every day like keeping it next to your toothbrush or to the coffee so you're reminded. :)

If you find you're at risk of not being sure if you did or did not take it, you could use one of those pill boxes with room for every day of the week and put a needle in each compartiment so you can see if you already used the needle for that day. :)


Active Member
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Have you tried avoiding the tips, even moving a litlle down but off centre? I find that's less sensitive, but not everyone might agree!
I have,
Hi all, I’ve been given insulin to start taking - basal first, tresiba then moving on bolus, novorapid as needed next week. I’m so pleased, as I’d really like to start feeling well again. What time of day do you do the basal? Was thinking at night before bed, but interested to see what others do?
Thanks all
Hi Gem,
That's great news they've finally given you some insulin. I hope you start feeling better soon. May I ask how you were feeling?
I have 2 different insulin pens, the background one i take once a day, I choose 9:30am, and a fast acting one I've not been told to use just yet, but it's in the fridge. I'm also using the freestyle libre 2 now, very helpful, they do a free trial on the Abbotts website, might be worth a go. Hope all goes well and thanks for the update.