Getting frustrated with insulin pump


I have medtronic 780g for several years but it's just getting so uncomfortable. I've tried leg straps, waist bands, clips, belts, pouches, don't wanna know how much money I've spent on it. it's just getting so irritating a literal thorn in my side, I rotate my sites often but I still get redness and sometimes bruising where the belt is. I don't mind the cannula it's just the bulk of the pump itself. I'm quite physically active and I'm just longing for something like the omnipod.

I wish that it was landscape and there was some kind of rotational pump but I can't find anything.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Hypos, rude people, ignorance and grey days.
Sorry to hear this - there aren't any easy fixes unless you change pumps, I was using the 640g and found this uncomfortable and a bulky pump too (now using T Slim), I would wear mine in a pump belt but it was fine for sleep, just always felt self conscious wearing it due to size, but hey it's a necessary evil vs manual insulin control, so just used to grin and bear it, no advice to offer sorry.